Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Kalium bichromicumn
Kalium bichromicum
Slow, deep processes; little fever, but great weakness. Sickly, chilly and cachectic. Fair, fat and sluggish. Bitings, like bugs. ADHESIVE SECRETIONS; STICKY taste, expectoration, leucorrhoea, foot-sweat, etc. STRINGY, TOUGH, lumpy or thick discharges. Fibrous exudates going downward. Yellow, eyes, vision, tongue, etc. Slow reaction. Heaviness. Crusts in nose, on skin, etc. Pains in small spots; jump about and finally attack stomach. Sharp stitches. Ascending; gastric pains, chills, heats, etc. Furred membranes. Old catarrhs. Ulcers; with dark dots, deep, perforating, round; look punched out; septal; peptic; with overhanging edges or thick crusts. Like a solid block on forehead. As of a hair on tongue, in nostril, etc. Internal itching; vagina, lungs, etc. Cracking joints.
Indifferent. Indolent. Pains outward along (r) brow. Bristling hair. Blindness, then pain over one eye, < cold, > pressing on root of nose. Migraine. Vision seems crossed, > looking with one eye. Eye-lids red, itching, swelled, granular. Nose pains at bridge or root; pressure or stuffed at root; retains foul secretions. Abscess. Ozoena. Nasal discharges, acrid; profuse; green clinkers. Nasal diphtheria. Snuffles. Radiating toothache; with swelled glands. Tongue, glistens; cracked, smooth or heavy, lemon yellow cast; pains when protruded. Sticky mouth. Sweet, metallic taste. Hawks thick mucus; must wipe it away. Oedema of uvula. Fissured pharynx. Throat; dry; burning in; something sticks in; with pains into neck and shoulders. Craves beer. Regurgitates liquids. Vomits bright yellow water. Sore spot in stomach, or food lies like a load. Constriction from liver to shoulder. Gelatinous stools or gushes of brown, frothy water, then burning and tenesmus, < after rising. Heavy kidneys. A drop remains after urinating. Constriction at root of penis. Acrid leucorrhoea. Milk is stringy. Hoarseness. Laryngitis. Tickling cough, after eating; with eructations; > heat; then vertigo. Under sternum; rawness; pains through to back. As of a bar across chest. Asthma. Deep cough with stringy expectoration. Heart weak; feels cold. Paralytic weakness of hands. Sciatica, < flexing leg. Sore heels. Pains along border of foot. Stubborn suppuration. Pustules with black apices. Skin, > in cold air. Hot flushes, then sticky sweat, then chill. Cold sweat on hands and feet. Chill with sweat.
Region: MUCOUS MEMBRANES, Air passages; NOSE; Pharynx; Stomach; Duodenum; Fibrous tissue; Ligaments; JOINTS; Skin; Circulation; Kidneys; Root of nose, tongue, or penis, etc.
Worse: COLD: Damp; Open air; Spring; Undressing; MORNING, after sleep; 2-3 A;M; Protruding tongue (Cist;); Hot weather; Alcohol; Beer; Suppressed catarrh.
Better: Heat; Motion.