Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Hypericum perforatumn
Hypericum perforatum
LACERATED, injured or inflamed nerves; mashed fingers, etc. Injury to or reflected from brain or cord. Very painful, sore parts; occiput, coccyx, etc. Coccygodynia. Intolerably violent, shooting, lancinating along nerves; toward trunk; down sides of head or chest; in epigastrium; interscapular spine; finger-tips, etc., with crawling and numbness. Neuritis, as an outcome of injury. Neuralgia of stump. Shuddering. Spasms. Tetanus.
Heaviness or formication in brain. Head feels drawn to a point. Bubbling at navel. Dry rectum. Heart seems to drop. Painfully sensitive spine. Commotio spinalis. Pains in hips and small of back after labor. Limbs feel detached. Aching in left sciatic, after long sitting. Feet seem furry or bones ache. Gaping wounds. Laborious dreams.
Region: SPINAL NERVES, COCCYX; Inter-scapular; Meninges; Vertex.
Worse: INJURY: Jar; Concussion; Penetrating; Shock; Bruises; Exertion; Touch; Change of weather; Fogs; Cold; Damp; Motion.
Better: Lying on face; Bending back.