Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.05 Glechoma hederacea
Names: glaukos is Greek for ‘grey-green’, hedera refers to the climbing/creeping properties.
English: Ground ivy; Creeping charlie; Alehoof; Gill go over the ground; Robin run in the hedge.
German: Gundermann; Gundelrebe.
Dutch: Hondsdraf; Weeskindje; Aardveil.
Source: Wadstories 2; Frans Kusse SSC 32-3/2002, proving group of Frans Kusse.
Content: potassium, calcium, silicon.
Glechoma patients feel like orphans who have to adapt to be accepted and recognised by the adoptive parents. They do not rebel even to strong rules and keep a low profile because they are well off there. Lamiaceae can comply to the demands of others but a Glechoma patient, like an orphan, not only tries to belong to the family, but on the other hand has the feeling of not belonging. This alternation of feelings places Glechoma in stage 5. They are afraid to be abandoned, that when they live their own life, they will be deserted.
Open, desire company, talkative, asking about others, sympathetic, loving.
No deep intimacy but connection is needed to get in touch with one’s own feelings.
Closed about deep affairs.
Lonely, sad, resigning, staying on their own, finding their own small territories.
Floating sensation, in a dream world.
Ailments, hurt from not being seen, recognised, noticed, accepted, connected.
Changeable, chaotic, diverting, easily distracting with jokes.
Aversion to the disruption of the status quo, scales in balance; easygoing.
Anger but keep the emotional expression low profile.
Tortured by material problems, earthy thoughts, having no job, robbery, apocalypse.
Disappointment from too high expectations.
Fear of failure, rejection.
Dreams: forgetting babies, children.
Aversion: fat.
Sleep: yawning.
Nervous: hyperaestesia.
Vertigo: flowing, light, floating, like ecstasy.
Head: headache, above the eye, pressing downward.
Eyes: radiating.
Throat: lump; oppression; swelling glandula submentalis.
Lungs: cough with laryngeal and tracheal irritation; pneumonia, < meconium.
Chest: oppression, nervous.
Stomach: nausea.
Rectum: haemorrhoids.
Urinary: frequent urination.
Back: cramp in the neck, < morning, < stretching.
Skin: mycose footsoles.