Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
555.17.17 Ginkgo biloba
English: Maidenhair tree; Golden fossil tree; Kew tree; Temple balm.
Chinese: Eun haeng; Gin-nan; Ginkyo; Ginan; Icho; Ityo; Pei-wen; Yin guo; Yinhsing.
Culture: symbol of longevity.
Use: seeds as food.
They are old and feel that life is over, or at least at the very end. It feels as the last phase in life and not much can be done anymore.
The mind feels weak, the body feels weak and fragile and the energy is lacking.
The memory is weak, they fear dementia.
They have all kinds of ideas and dreams about the end, of themselves, others, or the world.
Delusion: being old, life is over, being weak, having no power, grey hair, lost vitality.
Mentally weak and exhausted; poor concentration; dull mind; absent-minded; forgetful.
Irrational fears.
Volubility with rapid speech.
Nebulous condition with the impression of unreality.
Needs to criticise others and himself.
Suppressed anger with desire to tear something up.
Aversion mental work, it is an effort.
Has many relationships, uses all his energy and fantasy for it.
Inhibited internally, waiting for the big love.
Feels split; transferred halfway into the invisible ethereal or astral body.
Dreams: water, flooding; robbers and fights; falling down and breaking her head in 3 parts; bomb explosions; escaping and death in the family; grave yards; misfortune; millions of ants; corpses; being dissected; worms, battles and war and that their bodies were opened; hair gets grey; destroyed cities; earthquake; cosmic catastrophe; poison gas, radiation; invasion of rebels; burning trees; ancient times.
Dreams: brain surgery and brain manipulation, left with an open skull; nice man with a beard; festivities, airshow, airplane landed on meadow, crashing; beautiful young man, very delicate, very feminine, long blond hair, surrounded only by the most exquisite, expensive things; brush my teeth; not knowing where; confused; discussing with my teacher; disoriented; warts in my face, like Pinocchio's nose; in a boat on the ocean; foggy; desert, catastrophe, mass grave; conscious of the transition from sleep to awake; trance; black out; concentration camp; nuclear explosion on a beautiful island; paradise turns into a grey desert.
Type: right side.
Weather: chilly, > heat; < cold.
Food: < drinking from.
Sleep: waking 2 to 3 am.
Physical: > rest; < walking.
Energy: weak, fatigue.
Nervous: senility; dementia, Alzheimer's disease.
General numbness and shivering.
Infection: influenza.
Head: pain above the left orbital nerve, < looking up and to the right.
Eyes: macula degeneration.
Face: pale; features drawn.
Throat: burning pain in the pharynx.
Lungs: asthma.
Heart: slow pulse; hypertension, atherosclerosis; angina; circulation poor, heat, periphery.
Abdomen: ulcerative colitis.
Urinary: cystitis.
Female: dysmenorrhoea, congestive.
Limbs: ulcus, legs.
Skin: vesicular, itching eruption.