Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Crotalus horridusn
Crotalus horridus
Deathly sick, tremulous and weak. HÆMORRHAGE; slow; oozing of dark, thin blood; pharyngeal. Bloody pus or sweat. Putridity, rapid decomposition and MALIGNANCY. Septic; tonsils, goitre, ulcers, abscess, etc. Dark or bluish parts. Petechiae. Gangrene. General burning.
Plaintive speech. Timid; fears evil. Torpid. Forgetful. Mistakes in writing. Delirium. Faintings. Occipital ache; in waves from spine. Distorted face on waking. Epilepsy. Dark, besotted face. Grinds teeth. Mouldy breath. Swelled tongue. Stiff palate. Craves pork. Craves stimulants. Bilious vomit. Perineal abscess. Mouldy excretions. Anxious, labored breathing. HEART, weak, trembles, feels loose or turns over; sensitive to lying on left side. First one limb then the other is numb. Jaundice. Blood-boils. Horrible dreams; of the dead. Black-water fever. High fever; with scarlet skin. Oedema about affected parts.
Region: BLOOD; Heart; Cerebro-spinal nerves; Liver; Throat; Occiput; Right side.
Worse: Lying on R; side; Falling to sleep; Warm weather; Spring; Alcohol.
Better: Light; Motion.