Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Coccus cactin
Coccus cacti
Catarrh. Spasms. Haemorrhage. Uric acid. Gouty-rheumatic. STRINGY DISCHARGES, EXPECTORATION, hanging from mouth, urine, feeling in throat, black menses, etc. Sensitive, fauces, vulva, skin, etc. Intolerable internal tickle. Pulsations; in glans; as of a fluid forcing its way. Dark blood.
Sad; on waking at 2-3 morning Hawking, brushing teeth, etc., excites cough, retching or vomiting. Profuse post-nasal discharge. Constricted throat. Violent kidney pain, with dysuria. Nephritic colic. Irritated bladder. Sticking along ureters. Urging to urinate; > bloody clots from vagina. Urine scanty, thick, heavy, sour; sediment; sandy, dark red, brown or white; bloody mucus. Nephritis. REGULAR PAROXYSMS OF VIOLENT TICKLING, RACKING COUGH, ENDING IN VOMITING OR RAISING MUCH CLEAR, ROPY MUCUS (Kali-bi.); with a purple, red face and internal heat; periodically; with kidney symptoms; slowly increasing, then gradually declining; > cold air or drinks. Whooping cough. Soreness or stitches in apices of lungs. Coldness in back. Burning; as of pepper in nostrils, at tip of tongue, etc. (Lach.).
Region: MUCOUS MEMBRANES, FAUCES; Throat; Larynx; Chest; Genito-urinary; Left side.
Worse: IRRITATING FAUCES; Periodically; Heat; Lying; Awaking; Cold exposure.
Better: Washing in cold water.