Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
In the description of Kali-bi we have seen several characteristic traits of the Chromium element.
Shiny surface, smooth and glossy
The most important trait is that they keep their shutters closed, or rather they keep up a bright facade. They try to avoid at all costs anyone knowing what is going on behind the closed doors, either inside the house or inside the family, or inside themselves. They have to keep the facade intact and nobody must be able to notice anything. They would prefer it if there was never anything wrong, but because they know that they are human and that everyone makes mistakes they accept this fact, as long as nobody knows about it. The compulsive character of the Ferrum group shows itself clearly in this remedy.
Slimy, tough, sticky
They are very hesitant in expressing themselves. They always think about their answers before they speak, in case they might show something that is bad. That is why their answers are always slow and long winded: they have to keep playing for time, in order to check everything they are going to say.
the feeling that they have to keep up a nice appearance.
they feel that they have to keep up a nice shiny facade. They don’t like talking about their faults and failures, nor about those of their loved ones. In their eyes minor mishaps look like great crimes and they are afraid that others will frown upon them.
This makes them very reserved, particularly when the discussion is about problems. They would rather change the subject or they spend a long time expanding on some totally irrelevant details. They are also inclined to gloss over any mistakes, just to make sure that everything looks all right again.
This attitude brings with it a feeling of uncertainty, and they may also feel that they are not attractive. Usually they tend to feel depressed, even suicidal, although they wouldn’t dare to talk about it.
Location: right sided.
Temperature: cold.
Time: < 5 am.
Desire: beer, sweet.
Sleep: unrefreshing.
Discharges thick and stringy, green and yellow.
Pain changing place or in one point. Digging, scraping pain.
Inflammation of the sinuses.
DD: Kali-bi, Calcium sulphuricum, Fluoratums, Sulph.
DD Fluoratums: The Fluoratums are similar to the Chromicums in their preference for a nice shiny appearance. But in the Fluoratums this serves a purpose: they want to attract shiny people and make contact with them. For the Chromiums the shiny surface is an aim in itself: they want others to see only the shiny outside.