Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Barium fluoratum
Baryta Fluorata
Ridiculed Glamour, glitter
Small, futile Money, cars, clothes
Retarded Sex
Shyness Hard, fast, hurried
Superficial contacts
The group analysis gives us a nice theme for Bar-f: the idea that they will be ridi-culed because of their sexuality or their money. They have a strong desire to 'belong', to be counted as a full member of society. But they fear that this is impossible for them, because they feel so ridiculous. They have the delusion that nobody takes them seriously,that nobody would want to start a business with them.
They feel socially very inferior.
This fear can also be expressed in the area of sexuality. They feel that their penis is too small, or that their body is unattractive and silly, and that nobody would be interested in them.
A variation on this theme is that they may be very childish in the way they deal with money. Although they have a great desire to glitter and show that they have a lot of money, they do this in such a childish way that they soon lose everything. And this looks even more ridiculous. A typical example would be that of a gambler. He thinks that by gambling he is showing everyone how clever he is to earn a lot in a very short time, and in reality he is losing nearly all the time and his debts are mounting.
the idea that they are socially inferior and ridiculous.
They feel socially inferior and are very afraid that they don’t count for much, that they will be laughed at. They are also afraid that they won’t be able to get a good job, or that they will lose their job again. Their awkwardness and childishness are often the cause that these are indeed the things that go wrong. Their feeling of inferiority may stem from the fact that they come from a lower social background.
They may try to earn money the easy way, starting to gamble in the hope of winning a fortune. But in there childishness they forget that they are losing continually on the way. They get into debt and everyone will look at them with pity.
As far as relationships are concerned, they also feel inferior. They feel that they are not attractive, that they look ridiculous, especially with respect to their sexual parts, the size of their penis or their breasts. In order at least to get someone, they choose a partner who is not that high on the social ladder either. But this makes them feel ridiculous again, because they feel that they can’t show themselves in public with such a person.
Location: Right sided.
Temperature: warm. outside.
Time: < 9 pm.
Desire: alcohol (3), spices (3), refreshing, sour.
Physical: -> movement, violent movement. > violent shaking.
Glandular swellings (3), abscesses, fistulas.
Affections of the teeth, caries.
Arteriosclerosis. Varicose veins.
Inflammation of the joints with deformities, < hands. Hypermobile joints, lax fibres and tendons.
Deformities of the bones, exostoses (2).
Infections of the vagina. Sexual problems, venereal diseases.
DD: Sulphuricums, Nitricums, Verat.