Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Phosphoricum acidumn
Phosphoricum acidum
WEAK OR DEBILITATED, with free secretions. Slowness. Pains go to part lain on. Bruised soreness; like growing pains. Sense of pressure. Formication; at roots of hair; along spine, limbs, etc. Loose joints. Grows too fast.
Quiet. Indifferent, APATHETIC, obtuse or torpid; with tendency to diarrhoea or sweatiness. Slow grasp. Can't collect his ideas; hunts for words. Poor memory. Dull despair. Averse to talking. Brain-fag. Mild delirium; easily aroused. Crushing weight on vertex. Early grayness. Falling hair. Dull, sunken eyes with blue circles; they feel pressed out. Eye-balls feel large. Pale, sickly face; white of egg seems dried on it. Bleeding gums. Slimy tongue. Craves juices. Sour stomach. PROFUSE, PAINLESS, DIRTY WHITE, WATERY or LIENTERIC STOOL; BUT LITTLE DEBILITY. THICK, MILKY URINE. Polyuria. Diabetes. Weak, relaxed genitals; suddenly during coitus. Pollutions. Takes colds; < draft on chest. Shaking cough. Twisting under xiphoid. Paralytic weakness along spine. Heavy fore-arms. Scraping bone-pains, at night. Clammy wrinkled skin. SLEEPY BY DAY; but wakeful at night. Cold parts; one side of face, abdomen, etc. Burning along spine; below waist; kidney region. Heat with sweat. Profuse sweats; < night; as a sequel. Sluggish, painless fevers.
Region: MIND; Nerves; Metabolism; Sexual system; Spine, sensory nerves; Muscles; Bones.
Worse: DEBILITY from: LOSS OF FLUIDS; Sexual excesses; Fatigue; Fevers; Convalescence; EMOTIONS (chronic): Grief; Chagrin; Mental shock; Unhappy love; Homesickness; Drafts; Cold; Music; Talking.
Better: Warmth; Short sleep; Stooling.