Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
The Acidums
The most common and well known characteristic of the Acids is exhaustion. Vithoulkas (1991 b, page 251) describes the mental exhaustion of Pic-ac, the emotional exhaustion of Ph-ac, and the physical exhaustion of Mur-ac.
Physiologically exhaustion is accompanied by an Acid imbalance. In marathon runners the prevention of too much Acid in the blood is of the greatest importance.
The acidity comes about through the formation of Lactic acid and Carbon dioxide. Too little oxygen is supplied and too little Carbon dioxide is removed. The oxidisation is happening so fast that the system can’t keep up.
Similar to the acidity in the organisms is the acidity in the environment. Here the oxidisation is also going too fast. The environment is getting exhausted, because all processes are happening at an ever-increasing rate.
But the word 'exhaustion' is not very specific, neither is 'weakness', which is the biggest rubric in the repertory. Any condition and any remedy can eventually lead to a state of weakness and exhaustion.
Active hurried
What we don’t always know is what is going on prior to this exhaustion. And this must, logically concluded, be the exact opposite, i.e. an overdose of activity. The Acidums want to do a lot. They exhaust themselves, they use their energy at a very high rate. They don’t necessarily have any complaints yet at this stage, they are merely overactive.
This gives us the next characteristic of the Acidums: hurriedness. This is well known in Sul-ac, one of the most hurried remedies, but the other Acidums have this trait as well. Hurriedness is a symptom that is often accompanied by tiredness or exhaustion, the primary symptom of the Acidums.
Lively fresh extrovert
The Acidums have a certain freshness about them, especially in the beginning, when the demanding character is not so prominent yet. Their activity, their enterprising spirit and their optimism give them an aura of freshness. They are extroverts and talk easily and openly. Allen (1982, vol 7, page 346) writes about Ph-ac: 'lively, vivacious mood'. Their sexual desire is high.
They have a tendency to be perfectionists, they have a great desire to have everything 'just so'. This rather forced attitude often makes the opposite happen in their lives.
Aggression fighting.
The overactivity goes together with a certain aggressiveness. They force their will upon a situation, push it through in spite of opposition, until they can’t go on any longer. They can’t accept it if things do not go according to their wish. They can’t let go, they feel that they have to fight for their own goals.
This aggressive side expresses itself physically in the rather biting, etching character of the complaints, as in aphtae, ulcers and fissures.
Desire for unification
Behind the aggression of the Acidums lies one very strong desire: that is the desire to become one with everything and everyone. This aspect comes out very clearly in pure hydrogen. This was an hitherto unknown remedy, which I had once wanted to do a proving with myself, as it is the most basic element. Fortunately Sherr (1992) has done a brilliant proving of this remedy.
The essential theme in it is the desire for and the realisation of a universal oneness, wherein all boundaries have disappeared.
Isolation apathy
But hydrogen also has the opposite feeling: a deep feeling of isolation, of being separated from your fellow beings and loved ones.This feeling is to be expected if we look at the group analysis of hydrogen. Single elements have an all or nothing character. Hydrogen has both a feeling of total unification and a sensation of total isolation. The Acidums have a similar theme, each one expressin it in their specific area. Ph-ac, for instance, has the desire for total communication, the way in which twins can often do this.
General characteristics:
Location: right sided.
Physique: fair haired, thin.
Temperature: cold.
Time: < 9 pm; complaints come and go suddenly.
Desires: fat, spicy, alcohol, fruit (2), sour (2), refreshing things.
Aversion: sour, bread. < sour, bread, coffee.
Physical: > lying down (2), < exertion, climbing stairs. < touch.
Pains are burning and biting.
Accidents and sprains.
Discharges are watery, acrid, sour and stained with blood.
Diarrhoea, cystitis.
Skin: ulcers, fistula. Naevi.