Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
6.14.1 Plumbum phosphoricum
Plumbum phosphoricum is a new remedy. Its chemical formula is Pb3(PO4)2.
Plumbum Phosphoricum
Diplomatic Communicative
Mask Sympathetic
Redundant Brothers
Forced Friends Neighbours
Puppet Learning Curious
Irresponsible Travelling
Blasé Homesickness
Diplomatic communication.
Pensioned off in order to be able to study.
Formal power to be sympathetic.
Sympathetic towards directors that have been pushed out of their job.
A diplomat as a friend.
An irresponsible brother.
Forced friendships.
A friend who is blasé.
Having to be arrogant to be allowed to study.
Failure through being too open in your communication.
Picture of Plumbum phosphoricum
Essence: formal communication.
Diplomatic communication
They want to retain their job and their dignity in order to be liked by their friends and relations. But they are being pushed aside and their power is only a formal one, it is not real. They tend to hide this fact behind a mask of formal communication and diplomatic language, so that noone will see they haven’t got any say in the business anymore.
Pensioned off in order to be able to study
They may be at the end of their career and have younger directors waiting to be promoted to take their place. They probably don’t mind because it will give them a chance to tell the truth for a change, rather than having to hide behind a mask so as not to betray the secrets of the business. At last they will have time to study or to have a good time with their friends.
Formal power to be sympathetic
They may have a job where their task is to be sympathetic to others. But their department doesn’t have any real power anymore, it is merely there as a formality and nobody puts much energy into it.
A diplomat as a friend
They may have friends in diplomatic circles. Those friends tend to be rather formal, even when they are amongst themselves. They are a bit superficial and hide behind their status, they may even become rather blasé. This makes them feel lonely, as if the friendship is forced upon them because of past connections.
Sympathetic and diplomatic
They are very sympathetic, even if they don’t openly show it. They are too diplomatic to make an outward show of their feelings. They often have jobs where it isn’t allowed to show your sympathies. They measure their words carefully. They hate being interrupted, being a diplomat they would never do that themselves.
Failure through open communication
In the final stages there is a terrible feeling of isolation. They have lost their friends because they were too formal. They feel threatened but have no idea what others really think about them. it is as if they can’t make contact with anybody, even their friends are wearing a mask. The get depressed and withdraw into themselves. On the outside you wouldn’t think that anything was wrong, they still look carefully groomed and they pretend everything is fine.
Fears: heights, falling, murder, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religious, devil, God, alone, dark, thunder, twilight, disease and death of family and friends, quickly coming and going; easily frightened.
Dreams: heights, falling.
Delusions: superior, alone; mania.
Irritability: < offence.
Mood: haughty, discontented, nervous, restless, gloomy, suicidal.
Mental: curious, imaginative, absent minded, confused, rigid, insane.
Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor, bishop, top sportsman or woman.
Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation, loss of relations, brothers, sisters, friends.
Type: male, dark hair, overweight, thin, red haired, tall.
Locality: right.
Weather: cold; > open air; < gloomy, cloudy < dry, sensitive to thunder-storms.
Time: < night, < 9 pm.
Desires: alcohol, drugs, bread, sweet, meat, cold water, spices, salt fish (3), ice-cream, chocolate, chicken, cold drinks (3).
Aversion: meat, eating, salt, fish, oysters.
Food: eating, < fasting.
Menses: < menses, < pregnancy, < during and after giving birth, menses profuse.
Sleep: sleeplessness (3); on right side; > short sleep, somnambulism.
Physical: < rest, < sitting, walking, >< motion, pressure, > rubbing, massage, < lying on left side, < cats, odours, wool.
Weakness, nervousness and restlessness. Cancer.
Pains: boring, contracting, burning.
Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full.
Haemorrhages of bright red blood; cerebral haemorrhage, petechia.
Glands swollen, inflamed, indurated. Abscesses and necrosis.
Paralysis (3), Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, stretching hands (!), stretching feet, feet drop, SLE, ALS, reflexes slow. Late learning to walk; clumsy. Shocks and jerking, tremors.
Syringomyely (!), no cold or heat sensation, no feeling.
Epilepsy, clonic, tonic, tetanic, shocks.
Headache, migraines. Face swollen. Trembling, < anger.
Dizziness, black before the eyes.
Eye complaints: inflammations, opticus atrophy, sensitive to light, glaucoma, blindness, arcus senilis; short sighted.
Teeth: discolouration, black, teeth fall out. Gums edged with a blue line.
Throat infections.
Lung problems: bronchitis, asthma, hyperventilation; Tuberculosis.
Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure.
Congestion of blood. Cerebral haemorrhage, anaemia, arteriosclerosis.
Pulse: too fast, too slow, full, weak, irregular, palpitations, < lying on left side.
Nausea after eating. Vomiting < drinking. Diabetes.
Constipation, ileus, colics, black hard little stools. Diarrhoea, stomach pains as if the navel is pulled back by a thread.
Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorragia, impotency, atrophy of the testes.
Affections of the kidneys; retention of urine.
Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation. Growing pains, rickets, osteo-porosis.
Contraction of hands (Dupuytren). Raynaud. Muscular dystrophy, - atrophy, of the ball of the thumb.
Inflammation of joints: swelling pain, stiffness, < beginning to move, < stretching; wrist, knee, elbow, neck, ankles and feet; gout, big toe; sciatica.
Skin: sallow, dry, yellow. Nails hard, brittle, thick; ingrowing. Hair dry, falling out.
DD: Silicon series, Gold series, Stage 14, 11-15, Aluminiums, Agaricus, Cocculus, Lachesis, Opium, Phosphorus, Zincum.