Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
621.11.00 Nymphaeaceae
English: Water lily family.
Culture: Nymphs in Greek mythology ire female minor nature deities associated with a particular location or land form, divine spirits who animate nature, dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers and also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes; depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; amorous freedom; known nymphs are Scylla and Charybdis; associated are the Gods Dionysus, Hermes, Pan; they are the target of satyrs, plagued with unwanted sexual advances.
DD: Boron; Fluorine; Hydrogen series; Carbon series.
They have a conflict between just being and experiencing at one hand and to be someone, a personality. It gives a deep, very basic confusion about themselves and reality. They have a problem to act, do not know what to do. It is as if they can only watch what happens in life, as a passive spectator. This makes them an easy victim of others.
This family is a “primitive” one, with the kind of primitive problem as can occur in more primitive societies or situations like war. The general feeling of being lost in the world is here accentuated by the threat of being sexually abused and tortured and in the end killed. One can think of the victims of prisons like Abu Graib.
They have a big problem with sexuality, the instinctual side of nature. This can be the consequence of sexual abuse and rape. They can be abused as a child for many years where they felt totally powerless. They have to endure the torture and pain. They learn to survive by dissociation, unable to accept or integrate what has happened to them. With it there has often been a death threat. These experiences can also be in the form of regression to past lives where they have been exploited totally. Due to these experiences they cannot give in to sexuality in a normal healthy way. They experience sex as a threat; it is painful and can provoke all kinds of symptoms like, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, vertigo and headache.
They tend to be sensitive, not grown up to the real big world. They can experience the world as threatening and are severely affected by cruelty, especially to animals. It is a reflection of their instinctual side being hurt. They feel less for humans, who can be so cruel.
There is a very deep kind of pathology, with marked fears and dangers at a very young age. There is an element of fleeing, not being present anymore. It is as if the experiences have been so traumatic, so overwhelming that they went out of their body. The only way of survival seems to have been to retreat into their mind and behave as if it all happened to a stranger. They experienced things as if they were not there, not present.
The theme of the nymphs is present in this family. It is for young children who are innocent and natural and not yet sexually matured or interested. They are often in situations of sexual abuse, incest, parental violence at a very young age. The traumas are often with severe violence, being beaten, danger of death, threatening disease, incest and sexual abuse.
They feel that they cannot act, there is nothing they can do. They can only undergo what has been done to them. The idea that they can act does not even enter their mind.
Confusion, identity, reality and mask; recognising or not.
Lack of direction, disorientation in time and space.
Lack of will, power, focus.
Immigrants, people without roots.
Ailments from being raped, sexually abused, with death threat.
Sensitive, soft.
They feel unloved and insecure, threatened and a victim.
Theme: water, boats, boating, drifting, to the side, hard to steer, < opposing currents.
Dream: having no skin.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: headache.
Stomach: nausea, vomiting.
Rectum: diarrhoea.