Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Very sensitive bones. Painful, deep soreness; ears; bones; joints; skin. Diagonal pains. Pains extend to ears from other parts. Yellow-green, lumpy or bloody discharges. Catarrh. Infiltrated, glistening joints. Festination. Motor paralysis.
Weak and nervous. Headache, < straining at stool, etc. Every-thing affects his ears (Cann-s. Gel. Plan.). Blowing nose is painful. Pale, sickly, mask-like face. Anemia. Flow of saliva, with colic, paralysis, etc. Late or pale first menses. Raw, dry, larynx. Rough, hoarse voice; chronic, < morning; < expectorating a lump of mucus. Cough, < reading or laughing; > lying; with aphonia; laryngeal; of phthisis. Weak, uncertain legs. Inflamed ankles. Digging in shin bones. Rough, cracked (flexures) or bluish skin. Dry, hard ulcers. Sudden hot flushes. Pruritus of diabetes. Skin festers about joints.
Region: INNER EAR; Larynx and trachea; LOWER LIMBS; Periosteum, Joints; Ankles; Shins; Heels; Skin.
Worse: Varies with the weather; Touch; Cold; Damp; Night; Speaking; Feather bed.
Better: Lying down; Open air.