Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
4.7.3 Manganum silicatum
This is a new remedy. Bruch has told me he has had some experience with this remedy and his findings fit the picture as described below.
Tefroite or Manganum silicate, Mn2SiO4, is a semi-precious stone with a colour varying between grey to olive grey and red to reddish-brown.
Manganum Silicatum
Learning Image
Fine tuning Family
Practising Family image
Helpful Father
Compliments Home At home
Criticised Timid Fragile
Family minded
The helper image.
Compliments increase their image.
Learning from your family.
The teacher image.
A helpful family.
Picture of Manganum silicatum
Essence: The helper image
The helper image
They like the image of being a helper. They want to be known for their willingness to be of service. They often choose professions in this branch: they become a doctor, therapist, nurse, social worker etc.
Compliments increase their image
They tolerate criticism as long as they can learn something from it. They also like to have the image of someone who can use criticism constructively. But compliments are even more welcome. Negative criticism upsets them, making them feel that others don’t understand what they are trying to do.
The teacher image
Another profession they often choose is that of a teacher. Once again they like to have the image of being a good teacher, who is happy to do everything he can to help his students.
A helpful family
They often come from a family where everyone used to help each other. One of the rules of the house is that you should always be ready to offer help where it is needed. The father is probably strict but very supportive towards his children. Problems like disease or death in the family makes them all stick together and support each other. They tend to take of each other without outside help.
Fears: needles, injections, trifles, narrow spaces, not waking up from sleep, failure, exams, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation.
Dreams: crystals, ice, mirrors, clairvoyant, cobwebs, needles, friends, schoolmates, family, futile efforts, paralysis.
Mental: forgetful, precise, punctual, mathematical, refined, delicate.
Causes: loss of parents, family, friends.
Build: thin, tall, fragile, old looking.
Weather: cold (3), blue with cold, purple-blue nails << cold, < cold water, < undressing; heat; < draught (3), fresh air,; hot flushes; < wind (3), < large, changes in temperature.
Perspiration: profuse, stinking foot sweat (3!); night sweats.
Time: < 11 am and 5 pm; < full moon; < winter.
Desires: tomatoes, eggs, salt, warm food, fruit, milk.
Aversion: milk (3), mothers milk (3), salt, meat, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes.
Food: < tomatoes, fat, milk (3), broccoli, alcohol, fasting.
Menses: little, late, short, early, watery; < menopause.
Sleep: deep; frequent waking; < lying in late; unrefreshed.
Physical: <- bathing; < touch, shaking; << massage, magnetising; < coition; < soap.
Pains: stitching, as from needles or splinters. Sensation of a hair.
Discharges: thick, yellow, hard, smelling of old cheese.
Neurological; paralysis, Parkinson’s, ataxia, myasthenia, Gilles de Tourette.
Epilepsy, petit mal.
Headache, very heavy. Pains stitching, pressing, as from needles, boring, drawing. Vertigo.
Ear problems (3): earache earplugs, cotton wool or hat (3!), < motion, talking, laughing, swallowing. Sensation as if plug or wind in ear. Tinnitus and deafness.
Colds, sinusitis. Swollen glands.
Hayfever and asthma.
Throat: laryngitis, hoarseness (3), < speaking and singing. Much scraping. Cough << boring in ear, < cold, singing, talking, laughing, < deep inspiration. Pain in throat radiating to ear.
Teeth: caries, crooked, large incisors; < dentition.
Heart and vascular diseases (3)
Anaemia (3).
Stomach problems. Diabetes.
Colic > bending double, diarrhoea. Drawing pain around navel.
Inflammation of joints, arthritis, gout, creaking joints. cartilage, periosteum, bones; hands, feet, back; congestion, swelling, stiffness; < cold, damp, < touch, pressure, pressure of clothes. Pain in knees < walking and lifting. Lumbar back pains < stooping, lifting < sitting bent forwards.
Hair: thin, brittle, grey.
Nails: brittle, crumbling, fungus, yellow-brown, black, ingrowing, white spots.
Skin: eczema, cracks, acne; delicate, thin. Scars, keloids.
DD: Silicon series, Iron series, Stage 7 and 10, Argentum, Carcinosin, Causticum, Graphites, Phosphorus, Picric acid, Psorinum, Rhus tox, Ruta.