Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Kalium iodatum
Kali iodatum is quite a well-known remedy, at least as far as its range of symptoms is concerned. It has been used in the past in the treatment of syphilis. What we don’t know much about is its central theme.
Kali Iodatum
Principles, duty Food
Closed Work,busy, restless
Optimism Freedom of movement
Work, task Forgetful
Family Obsessive
Right of existence
The group analysis gives us the theme: they have to do their duty in order to create a place in the world for themselves. They have to work and fulfil their task in order to have a right of existence. They live according to the principle ‘if you don’t work, you have no rights’. And as long as they can fulfil their tasks they are quite happy people. The active element of Iodum and the optimism of Kali give them a kind of exuberant life energy. We find this in the repertory under the rubric ’cheerful with jesting’.
However, when they can’t do their duties any more, they develop a different picture. From being active they turn into restlessly busy people. They have the feeling that their right to exist has been taken away from them. In this respect they resemble the picture of Kali-br, who also have great difficulty when they retire from their job.
The idea that they have to do their duty to establish their right of existen-ce.
They are very duty conscious and are excellent at fulfilling their tasks. They are very active and often work harder than necessary, because they don’t know what else to do with all their energy. One could call them real workaholics.
But beneath all this zest for work lies the feeling that they don’t have the right to be here if they don’t work. They have to earn their daily bread, and if they are prevented from doing this they feel bad. Retirement is often the situation when their complaints start, but it may also happen in a situation when they have lost their job. In this case they will do anything to get another job, and if this fails they will look for other possibilities. They might emigrate, for instance, and try to start a new life somewhere else. Their reasoning is: ’If you can’t fulfil your task anymore, you have to go’.
They are optimistic and active, even exuberant. They talk loudly and clearly, you have no trouble understanding them.
Location: right sided.
Physique: robust. Brown hair.
Temperature: fresh air, < draught, < sea.
Time: < 3 am. and 5 am. < summer.
Desire: great appetite, sweet. eating.
Menses: < suppressed menses.
Physical: movement (2). < pressure. <- touch.
Discharges, acrid and watery.
Glands, swollen and hard.
Hyperthyroidism, swelling of thyroid, increased metabolism.
Allergies, hayfever, asthma, colds.
Palpitations, arteriosclerosis.
Small breasts.
Joint problems, knees. Sciatica (3).
DD: Iodatums, Kali's, Merc, Merc-i-f, Merc-i-r.