Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.23.14 Gentiana cruciata
English: Cross-leaved Gentian.
German: Kreutz-Enzian.
Weeping mood, with disinclination to talk.
Very peculiar apprehensions.
Confusion of mind, > belching.
Fear: general.
Restlessness, nervousness, < headache.
Silent, taciturn.
Delusions, imaginations: animals, fleas creeping over body, < evening.
Feels beaten, low self-esteem, makes mistakes, feels stupid, does stupid things.
Socially tortured.
Colour preference: 12-14C !.
Weather: > open air.
Time: < 3 am.
Desire: appetite increased or lost; thirst.
Food: > warm soup; < eating, dinner, > fresh water; < smoking.
Sleep: uneasy.
Physical: > belching, > lying, > rest, > sitting, > walking, slowly, < motion, violent motion, < sitting long, < standing.
Vertigo: confusion and whirling, < headache; faintness.
Head: headache, too full, pressing, stitching, distension, forehead, temple, left, > rest, < motion, < menses, + sleepless; brain constricted, sensitive, < sitting long, < dinner, < violent motion of head; distressing tension, acute constant pressure, jerking pain, vertex, < exerting the eyes, < constant thought; swelling of the temporal veins; violent pulsation in the carotids.
Eyes: lying deep in orbit; pressing, piercing inward, right eye; vision indistinct, as if veil, for print.
Ears: acute drawing in the mastoid process behind the ear.
Mouth: astringent taste; saliva increased; aphthous ulcers, lower lip on either side of frenum.
Nose: frequent sneezing.
Throat: sore, red; raw, stitching pain, scrapings, hawking; constriction, distressing, < swallowing; hoarse; dysphagia; tonsils deep red, stitching.
Lungs: breathing acceleration, difficult; frequent expectoration.
Stomach: acid belching, watery vomiting; burning, pressure, inward, as if a stone, pit of stomach; dyspepsia.
Abdomen: full, tight, sensitive, griping, sore, umbilical, < dinner, > sitting, > lying, < standing, < walking, < smoking, > bend forward; umbilicus drawn inward; moving in intestines; dragging, groin, right, as if protruding, > sitting, > lying, < sneezing, > bandage; hernia.
Rectum: constant violent urging; stool watery, pasty, copious; diarrhoea, pasty; flatus frequent, offensive; itching in anus.
Back: stiff, drawing in cervical muscles, extending to ears, < turning head, an uneasiness so that he could not remain long in one position; tension lumber region.
Female: menses earlier.
Limbs: distressing drawing in right shoulder; tense, walking difficult; jerk like drawing; cramp pains, soles.
Skin: creeping as if fleas, < evening.