Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.23.00 Gentianacaeae
Botany: 87 genera; ± 1500 species; tropical; South America, Africa, Madagascar, Asia; placentation parietal; leaves without stipules.
DD: Nitrogen; Magnesium; Silver series; Lanthanides.
Gentianaceae is a family in the Gentianales in the Apg3 classification.
In the Plant theory Gentianaceae is placed in Subphase 3.
"Not accepted by in-laws".
The typical situation is of conflicts with their in-laws. It can be that they do not feel accepted by their in-laws. Or that their spouse is not accepted by their own family. It leads to a feeling of being split and confused. It is a problem that cannot be solved. Breaking apart from one’s own family is not really possible and splitting with one’s spouse has become impossible too after having had children together. This dual bind, a split and confusion is typical for Phase 3, Boron and Aluminum.
This situation can take other forms other than in-laws. The main theme is that of being torn apart between two parties that are equally important. With that comes the feeling of not being respected and not being allowed to make one’s own choices.
Another aspect is that they feel they only somewhat belong to their own family or their in-laws. This is typical of Phase 2. It expresses itself as anger, like that of magnesium, but it cannot be expressed very well, it has to be suppressed. They cannot stand up for themselves in the situation of family intrigues. They fear conflicts and fear losing either their family or their spouse. It gets worse when they are confronted with demands like “it is me or them”. The suppression leads to problems with their digestion, liver and gall bladder. Gall bladder colic is a strong symptom in Gentianaceae.
The problem is exaggerated by their desire to be themselves, to be able to lead their own life and make their own choices. They want to choose their own partner in life and do not want to adapt to family restrictions and wishes. This Lanthanide theme makes them stick to their choices, even when it will lead to a lot of conflicts.
They do not feel accepted by people, but especially by their in-laws. They feel as if they are not good enough, that something is wrong with them. They feel that others do not see their worth, what they can do.
It creates a kind of split. They love their partner, but not his family. They feel the split in their partner who is torn in two directions, that of his family and his spouse. So they have the feeling that they have only half of their partner.
Anger, pent up, suppressed.
Insulting << people who do not accept them as they are.
Self-evaluation low.
Socially not adapted.
Low self-assurance.
Delusion: disease, death, pain.
Sensation: constriction, tight, band; grasping, crawling.
Weather: < wind; > warm applications.
Desire: bitter, soup, sour, vegetables; meat, hot water, hot drinks < chill.
Physical: < looking; > bending double, pressure.
Head: headache, pressing.
Stomach: > drinking; belching, > pressure, sitting, > stool.
Abdomen: hernia, inguinal, umbilical.
Rectum: sudden urge.
Limbs: arthritis.
Skin: elevations.