Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
433.44.00 Equisetaceae
English: Horsetail family.
Dutch: Paardestaart familie.
Botany: 1 genus, Equisetum; 20 species.
Content: silicon.
Equisecaceae is the only Family in the Order Equisetales, in the Phylum Pteridophyta.
In the Plant theory Equisetaceae are placed in Subphase 4. They have a very high content of Silicon.
They have an emphasis on the Silicon series beside the quality of the Iron series.
They have a conflict between their own family and the community. Or they derive the strong family structure form the community.
As a family they have strict rules and order. They are old fashioned, living according to principles; not warm, not violent. Father is often domineering, strict, stubborn, from a strict upbringing. Fathers will is law and that is so normal, obvious, imprinted in their belief system that it is not expressed or discussed. Discussions are impossible; agitation and emotions should be avoided. They have an aversion to conflicts in the family. Conflicts are impossible; the harmony must be kept by following the rules.
Desire: travel, buy things, cooking, music, dancing, laugh, rejoice.
Restless, whining, shrieking, screaming, shouting.
Fear: water; left by husband; burglars, thieves.
Endogenous depression, manic-depressive; dementia, apathy.
Deep, digging deep, penetration.
Food, nutrition, productivity.
Shy, insecure or, lacking confidence, timid, anticipation.
Domineering, dictatorial.
Anger, abrasive, resentful.
Ancient, prehistoric.
Misunderstood, always.
Misunderstanding his own disease, confusing doctors.
Fragile, cannot defend himself.
Lack of honesty.
Feels treated unequal.
Urinary: urge; bladder infection; incontinence; pain cutting, burning, pricking; urinary stones.