Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
4.11.3 Cuprum phosphoricum
Cuprum phosphoricum is a new remedy.
Libthenite is a bright, dark green semi-precious stone. its chemical formula is Cu2OHPO4, copperphosphate. Another green or emerald green stone is pseudomalachite Cu5{OH2PO4]2.
Cuprum Phosphoricum
Serious Communicative
Cramp Sympathy
Ritual Brothers
Maintaining Friends Neighbours
Guarding Learning Curious
Telling tales Travelling
Observed < Homesickness
Desperately keeping up the communication.
Desperately wanting to hold on to your friends.
Ritual communication.
Holding on to sympathy.
Guarding friendships.
Learning in a cramped style.
Ritual reading.
Brothers telling tales.
My brother is a prison guard.
Holding on to travel.
Homesickness when they are being observed too much.
Picture of Cuprum phosphoricum
Essence: desperately trying to keep the communication going.
Desperately keeping the communication going
They want to keep the communication going but are inclined to get too desperate about it, so that it loses its spontaneity. They want to avoid quarrels or disharmony, the conversation has to be kept under control. Conflicts have to be talked through according to the rules Everything becomes too forced, artificial, and cramped.
Holding on to sympathy
They are very sympathetic, don’t want to hurt other people. They are very aware of anything that might give rise to the other person feeling hurt or insulted.
Desperately wanting to hold on to friends
The contact with friends is very important to them and has to be preserved at all costs. A broken friendship is often the start of their complaints. Their way of trying to avoid this is to establish all sorts of rules and regulations for the friendship. Unfortunately this usually has the opposite effect and it tends to put their friends off.
A variation on this theme is that they have a friend or a neighbour who insists on holding on to certain rules, which they themselves find hard to go along with. Their friend might tell tales about them to his teachers or his parents.
Ritual communication
Their way of communication might become very rigid, almost ritualistic. Their speech is precise and well articulated, or stuttering and stumbling. When the brakes are off they speak so much and so forcefully that they transgress all the rules.
Cramped in their studies
They often have learning problems. Their attitude is too forced, feeling they have to learn everything in a fixed pattern or sequence. They feel that others expect them to carry on and not give up. So they force themselves until they are exhausted and unable to concentrate. The ultimate disaster happens when they fail an exam.
Homesickness if they are being observed too much
When they think they have failed they become extremely sensitive to criticism, even to being looked at. It can make them very angry and they will shout and swear at anyone who does this. They feel they have carried on too long anyway, done more than enough. All they want is to go back to their friends with whom they used to have a good time laughing and talking.
Fears: failure, falling, losing control, anticipation, future, arriving too late, new enterprises, criticism, opposition, approached, looked at, touched, people, family, strangers, health, going mad, heart disease, epilepsy, accidents, thunder (3!), dark, twilight, water, fire; alone, disease or death of family or friends, panic attacks with sweating and fainting, big eyes.
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, falling, driving the car without brakes.
Delusions: selling vegetables, general, officer calling a policeman, pursued by enemies or police, loss, thieves, falling, fainting, devils, death, renovating old chairs, busy, insanity, ghosts.
Aggression: kicking, striking, screaming, destructive, biting, scratching faces (Smits), teasing animals, quarrelling, taunting, shitting in the street, malicious; << being touched, looked at, < injustice, < insults.
Contacts: mild, friendly, <- people, <- talking, doesn’t recognise friends, mad, acting foolishly, hysteria, imitation.
Mental: curious, imaginative, exhaustion, confused, dementia, delirium.
Mood: happy, restless, laughing, crying, discontented, gloomy, suicidal; > music.
Hobbies: bravado, army outfits, black jackets and clothes.
Profession: general, guard, priest, judge.
Causes: overwork, homesickness, loss of family, friends or brothers, school and study.
Build: thin, tall, red hair.
Locality: right.
Weather: cold, cold feet, < thunder.
Time: < 3 am, 5 and 9 pm; sudden attacks.
Desires: cold food, cold drinks (2), spices, salt, fish (3), ice-cream, sweet, chocolate, chicken.
Aversion: salt, fish, oysters,boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, warm food.
Food: > cold drinks, < warm drinks.
Sleep: << short sleep, somnambulism.
Physical: > magnetising, > rubbing, > stretching, < teething; < motion, walking, lying on left side; < cats, smells, wool.
Burning pains.
Haemorrhages of bright red blood. Cerebral haemorrhage, petechia.
Epilepsy, starting in stomach with pain and nausea; thumbs clenched in fists, biting tongue, loss of urine, screaming; afterwards: restlessness, headache and vomiting.
Cramps (3!), in calves, back, > stretching; Chorea, tetanus, paralysis.
Migraine with loss of sight, << school.
Throat infections.
Asthma (3). Hyper ventilation. Cough, prolonged, spasmodic, suffocating, with vomiting, blueness in face and lips, stiffness and cramps; whooping cough.
Lung problems, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
Heart spasms, pain radiating to left arm; high blood pressure; anaemia (3); Raynaud.
Stomach complaints, pain, stooping. Gurgling sounds on drinking. Vomiting < drinking.
Diarrhoea, cramps; cholera. Diabetes.
Arthritis, spondylitis. Tuberculosis of bones. Bone problems, growing pains, rickets, osteoporosis. Back ache, cramping, electric shock like pains, lumbar region > sitting, bending back, < stooping, < spasmodic breathing. Tingling finger tips. Writers cramp.
Hair loss.
DD: Silicon series, Iron series, stage 11 -15, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Cactus, Calcium carbonicum, Camphora, Carcinosin, Dulcamara, Hyoscyamus, Ipecac, Magnesiums, Stramonium.