Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
4.11.4 Cuprum muriaticum
Cuprum muriaticum is a new remedy.
Cuprum Muriaticum
Serious Broken relationship
Cramp Mother Child
Ritual Care Nurturing
Maintaining Attention
Guarding Self-pity
Telling tales Attention seeking
Observed < Sadness
Anti social
Desperately trying to hold on to relationships
Work and motherhood can’t go together.
Working desperately, no time to be a mother.
Holding on to care.
Ritual care.
Guarding the children.
A controlling mother.
Serious and complaining.
Enjoying motherhood.
Picture of Cuprum muriaticum
Essence: desperately trying to hold on to relationships.
Desperately trying to hold on to relationship
They are very afraid of losing someone, so they desperately try to hang on to the relationship. They feel that if they don’t do exactly what is required of them something will go wrong, either the other person will feel hurt or they will have an accident or anything like that. They are so afraid of making a mistake and keep such tight control over everything that the the whole situation becomes very forced.
Work and motherhood can’t go together
They might have problems when they have to combine motherhood with having a job. They want to do both as well as they can. This creates unease and restlessness, everything has to be done on time, they must hold on to the job, they run and fly all day to get it all done.
A controlling mother
They are very fastidious and precise, afraid that their child will get hurt if they don’t do everything strictly according to the rules. If they don’t stick to the feeding schedule suggested by the doctor, their child might not grow enough. They constantly check their children’s weight and the height, make sure they don’t choose the wrong friends, worry about accidents, in short they get into a sort of spasm about the whole issue of bringing up children.
A variation on this theme is that they themselves have this type of mother, often giving rise to stomach cramps in babies, because they pick up their mothers tension.
Ritual care
One way of making sure that things won’t go wrong is by establishing a sort of ritual. You can see this in nursing homes where everything from eating to washing and sleeping and exercising is planned by the minute.
Serious and complaining
They are very serious and responsible, at the same time feeling that they have to do it all on their own. Nobody gives them any care and attention, which makes them feel sorry for themselves and can result in complaining behaviour. They don’t like hearing others complain, particularly their children.
Fears: failure, falling, losing control, anticipation, future, arriving too late, new enterprises, criticism, opposition, approached, looked at, touched, people, family, strangers, health, going mad, heart disease, epilepsy, accidents, dark, water, fire, alone, danger, driving a car; panic attacks with sweating and fainting, big eyes, easily frightened.
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, falling, driving the car without brakes, water, sea, waves, drowning, mother, disease or death of family or relations.
Delusions: selling vegetables, general, officer calling a policeman, pursued by enemies or police, loss, thieves, falling, fainting, devils, death, renovating old chairs, busy, insanity, ghosts.
Aggression: kicking, striking, screaming, destructive, biting, scratching faces (Smits), teasing animals, quarrelling, taunting, shitting in the street, malicious; << being touched, looked at, < injustice, < insults.
Contacts: mild, friendly, <- people, <- talking, doesn’t recognise friends, mad, acting foolishly, hysteria, imitation.
Mental: exhaustion, confused, dementia, delirium.
Mood: happy, laughing, crying, sensitive, emotional, gloomy, > music.
Hobbies: bravado, army outfits, black jackets and clothes.
Work: -> and <.
Profession: general, guard, priest, judge.
Causes: overwork.
Build: thin.
Locality: left.
Weather: cold, cold feet, >< sea.
Time: < 3 am, 5 and 11 pm; sudden attacks.
Desires: cold food, cold drinks, salt, starch, fish.
Aversion: boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, warm food, salt, starch, fish.
Food: > cold drinks, < warm drinks.
Menses: < before, during or after menses, < after pregnancy; swollen and painful breasts before menses.
Sleep: <<< lack of sleep; difficulty falling asleep.
Physical: > magnetising, > rubbing, > stretching, < teething.
Dry mucus membranes.
Fever, sneezing, nausea (Dreisbach).
Epilepsy, starting in stomach with pain and nausea; thumbs clenched in fists, biting tongue, loss of urine, screaming; afterwards: restlessness, headache and vomiting.
Cramps (3!), in calves. back, > stretching; Chorea, tetanus, paralysis.
Migraine with loss of sight.
Asthma (3). Hyper ventilation. Cough, prolonged, spasmodic, suffocating, with vomiting, blueness in face and lips, stiffness and cramps; whooping cough.
Heart spasms, pain radiating to left arm; high blood pressure; anaemia (3); Raynaud.
Stomach complaints, pain, stooping. Gurgling sounds on drinking.
Constipation, stools hard and dry.
Diarrhoea, cramps before stool; cholera.
Liver, cirrhosis. Diabetes.
Kidney injuries (Dreisbach)
Arthritis, spondylitis.
Eczema, scabies.
DD: Iron series, stage 11, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Cactus, Calcium carbonicum, Camphora, Carcinosin, Dulcamara, Hyoscyamus, Ipecac, Magnesiums, Stramonium.