Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.51.07 Collinsonia canadensis
English: Stone root, horse balm, rick weed.
German: Griess wurzel.
Dutch: Canadese gruiswortel.
Source: Case Rienk Stuut SSC 32-3/2002.
Collinsonia was formerly seen as being member of Lamiaceae. In the Apg3 classification it is in Plantaginaceae.
Retiring from work is failure. They have to be acknowledged in their work and cannot endure the idea that they have to quit their position and will not do it voluntarily. When they are forced to retire they break down emotionally and get physical complaints. They easily feel imprisoned. The aggravation by confinement is on the physical level during pregnancy and also a symbolic need for space. They hate boundaries, restrictions and regulations. They need the freedom of space, a big house, the world to discover. They do not appreciate a big pregnant tummy blocking their expression and leading to constipation in all the senses of the word.
Ailments from anger, vexation.
Compulsive disorders; checking and rechecking things.
Want of self-confidence; feels he is a failure.
Confusion of mind as to his identity; sensation of duality.
Control, self-control; wants to control himself.
Speech stammering.
Worse from emotion, excitement, thinking of complaints.
Limited in work due to pregnancy.
Convinced he has found the right direction, maintaining his life, his philosophy.
Resistance that tries to keep his mouth shut, explanations are helpless.
Delusion: being a working machine; divided into two parts; legs do not belong to him.
Colour preference; 15-16C.
Sensation: compressing.
Weather: < cold; > heat; > warmth; flushes of heat.
Sweat: profuse, < anxiety; debilitating.
Time: > morning; < 11 am, < evening and night.
Desire: cheese.
Physical: > motion.
Energy: weak, < difficult stool.
Head: dull frontal headache; < suppressed haemorrhoids.
Eyes: yellow discolouration.
Ears: noises, sound of machinery.
Nose: chronic nasal, gastric, pharyngeal catarrh.
Mouth: yellow-coated tongue; bitter taste.
Throat: sore, < speakers; speech stammering; sharp pain in larynx; hoarse.
Lungs: cough dry, harassing, constant, > expectoration, < speakers; chronic bronchitis; respiration oppressed, asthmatic; asthma, < hay, < spring.
Heart: palpitation, pulse persistently rapid, weak, < suppressed menses; dropsy from cardiac disease.
Chest: oppression, faintness.
Stomach: dyspepsia, indigestion.
Abdomen: portal congestion; liver affections.
Rectum: constipation chronic, obstinate, spasmodic, convulsive, spasmodic contraction of anus, < laxatives, purgatives, < operation; as if rectum tight up, strictures; urging, only flatus passes; diarrhoea, acrid; congestion; stool sluggish, hard, painful; flatulence; haemorrhoids, chronic, painful, itching, bleeding, as if sticks, sand, gravel, < pregnancy, < lie down; dysentery with ineffectual straining; stool light, knotty; prolapse; piles.
Male: varicocele.
Female: congestion pelvis; dysmenorrhoea; swelled feeling, in limbs, vulva, clitoris; itching of vulva; prolapse uterus.
Female: menses < confinement, < pregnancy; < labour.
Back: pain lumbar region, < coition.
Limbs: pain lower limbs; knee inner side; knee meniscus.