Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.66.00 Colchicaceae
Including: Alstroemeriaceae, Luzuriagaceae, Petermanniaceae.
Alstroemeriaceae: Alstroemeria, Bomarea, Luzuriaga, Schickendantziella.
Colchicaceae: Androcymbium, Baeometra, Burchardia, Camptorrhiza, Colchicum, Gloriosa, Hexacyrtis, Iphigenia, Kuntheria, Merendera, Ornithoglossum, Sandersonia, Schelhammera, Tripladenia, Wurmbea.
Petermanniaceae: Petermannia.
Colchicaceae, Alstroemeriaceae, Luzuriagaceae, Petermanniaceae form a monophyletic clade in Liliales.
In the plant theory they are placed in Subphase 6.
The Phase 6 theme is double here with the themes of neglect, dirty, offensive, ugly, lazy.
They feel extremely neglected, by both parents and husband and friends. They feel just tolerated, they are allowed to stay only as long as the others can use and abuse them. They do not feel respected and loved, more like being seen and treated as dirt, disgusting, waste, ugly, offensive. They have a fear of being rejected but know that as long as they adapt and tolerate the nasty behaviour of their family and friends they will be accepted.
They can think negative about themselves, that there is something wrong with them, that their self-worth is lacking. They can feel ugly, unattractive, not worth loving. They can have the idea that they are offensive, have a bad smell. They feel easily embarrassed by their behaviour thinking they have offended or humiliated someone, or made them dirty physically or socially.
They become sensitive to everything that is offensive, unjust, unfair, ugly, indecent. They can get the idea that sex is dirty and ugly and thus keep away from it despite their desire. They feel part of the family but think about leaving as it does not give them enough love and respect.
Embarrassed < misbehaviour towards woman, of her teenage son.
They have to learn to be humble.
Serving, with work, household, sex.
Desire that others cannot say anything negative.
Aversion: cheap, dirty, offensive, indecency, debts.
Showing themselves as beautiful, elegant, healthy, strong, perfect, pure, just, show of her gratitude.
Desire justice, right, manners and decency.
Sensitive: impressions, light, noise, strong odours, of fish, eggs or fat meat; contact, bad manners.
Ailments: from grief or misdeeds of others.
Unexpressed grief.
Bad conscience and reproachful of being reminded of a debt.
Activity, restless.
Fear: mice.
Dream: animals; amorous.
Sensation: drawing, tearing, pressing; pinching; numbness.
Type: robust, vigorous, left to right.
Weather: > warm weather; < air is cold; < wet and cold.
Sweat: < suppressed sweat.
Desire: refreshing, fizzy.
Food: < heavy, fat food; < smell of food, of fat, of fish.
Sleep: much needed; < loss of sleep, night watching.
Physical: > leaning forward, > stooping, > bending double; < motion.
Vertigo: faint, collapse, with cold sweat.
Head: headache, frontal, temporal, occipital, nape of neck, heavy, waves, > lying, > vomiting, > bending forward.
Nose: smell acute.
Lungs: asthma, choking; dyspnoea.
Heart: weak; pulse threadlike, insensible; hypertension; hypotension.
Stomach: pain.
Rectum: dysentery; flatulence.
Urinary: urine dark, scanty, suppressed, bloody, brown.
Female: itching; swelling in vulva and clitoris.
Limbs: gout; inflammatiom muscles, periosteum, synovia, joints.