Jan Scholten
Chromium muriaticum
Chromium Muriaticum
Embarrassment Broken relationship
Discreet Mother Child
Keeping up appearances Care Nurturing
Careful Attention
Tough Sticky Mother
Slimy Self pity
Attention seeking
Embarrassed about caring.
Caring is a challenge.
A discreet mother.
Keeping up appearances in front of your mother.
Keeping up appearances on behalf of your mother.
Careful in the way you deal with attention.
Discreet care.
Being ashamed of self-pity.
Essence: embarrassed about care.
Keeping up appearances in front of your mother
They feel embarrassed about their own mistakes or those of their mother. And they like to keep things hidden from others. They often like to keep things hidden from their mother too, keeping up the appearance that everything is fine.
A discreet mother
This situation can come about if they have a mother who never talks about herself or her failures, who always remains discreet. She will have urged her children never to share their inner secrets with anyone. And so her own fear of embarrassment gets passed on to the next generation.
Long winded
They can get terribly long winded in their stories, going into all sorts of unimportant details but always hedging around the main point. They are also very good at glossing things over.
Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, alone, water, danger.
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, water, sea, waves, drowning children, mother, disease and death of friends and relations.
Contacts: uncertain
Mood: sensitive, emotional, self-pity, depressive, irritability.
Build: obese or thin.
Locality: left.
Weather: slightly warm, <> sea.
Time: < 5 am and 23 pm.
Desires: beer, sweet, drinking, salt, starch, fish.
Aversion: meat.
Food: < wheat, fish, salt.
Menses: irregular, too early or late, too much or little, < during day, > lying down,; < before, during or after menses, < after pregnancy; swollen and painful breasts before menses.
Sleep: difficulty getting asleep; unrefreshed.
Discharges thick and stringy, green and yellow. Mucus membranes dry. Oedema.
Pain changing and in one single spot. Boring, changing pain.
Ear infections.
Colds. Sinusitis.
Anaemia !!.
Stomach complaints. Diabetes. Flatus.
Affections of pancreas.
Constipation, stools hard and dry. Abdominal pains.
Sciatica. Bechterew.
Skin eruptions, on chest and arms, red spots, << sun.
DD: Silicon series, Iron series, Stage 6 and 17, Calcium muriaticum, Fluoratums, Muriaticums.