Jan Scholten
Brunfelsia uniflora
A strong personality, very present, warm and friendly but also full blooded, fierce, impetuous, violent, passionate.
Artist, impetuous, psychotic, intuitive, creative, perceiving the problems of the world, expressing them in his art, but is overwhelmed by it.
Fear to become an outcast from psychosis.
Congestion, everything is too much, too violent and emotional, can hardly control it himself; it is too much for himself and others.
Knows what he wants.
Is not guided by conventions at all.
Destroyed by violence, terror.
Anaesthetic, stupefied, sluggish; stupor; coma.
Senses acute.
Escape; shrieking; hurried.
Panic, cowardice.
Rage, outbursts: fight or flight reaction.
Theme of black and white, light and dark, life and death.
Fear: death, sudden death, violence; pursued; murder, killed; snakes.
Colour preference: 15-16D, Black.
Sensation: congestion; splitting, bursting, explosive, tearing, pulsating, shooting; constricting.
Weather: hot flushes, < menopause; < cold; body very cold or great heat; sun stroke.
Desire: tobacco, alcohol, drugs.
Sleep: starting.
Nervous: spasmodic; jerking; apoplexy.
Vertigo: faintness.
Head: headache, pulsating, throbbing, temples, < stooping, < thinking, < warm, > cold; band around head; pain in back of head.
Nose: cold; smell strong, pleasant and repulsive.
Mouth: taste is tough, bitter.
Heart: congestion; pericarditis with rheumatism.
Chest: congestion
Abdomen: congestion.
Genital: syphilis; gonorrhoea.
Urinary: urine contains uric acid.
Back: pain in back of head and spine.
Limbs: cold, hands, feet; rheumatism, rheumatic pains, feet, lower legs; aching over body, > perspiration; stiffness and rigidity of muscles; acute or chronic arthritis; bones weak, rickets; acne rosacea.