Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
The Bromatums
It was not easy to get the feeling of the essence of the Bromatums. Only Bromium and Kali bromatum are relatively well known. Kali-br has a mental picture which has been clearly described by Sankaran (1991, page 235), and I would like to refer to his book to study this remedy. If one takes the Kali element away from this remedy, one is left with a few characteristic symptoms, which apply to the Bromium element.
The central theme of the Bromatums is the feeling of guilt. They feel that they are guilty of something, 'as if they have burnt their fingers'. We can see many habits to do with hands and fingers: wringing the hands, biting nails, picking the skin round the nails etc.
They may have different reactions to this basic feeling of guilt. The first one is that they will try to make up for it by working very hard.
Restlessness, escape
A second reaction is escape. They may feel that they are being pursued by people or by ghosts, so they try to escape, preferably to sea. They are restless and very fond of travelling.
A third reaction may be that they just go ahead with their own business, without bothering about any rules or laws. If they are guilty anyway, they might as well go the whole way and become a criminal. One could call this a psychopathic reaction.
Passion, instinct
They can be very passionate and dynamic people, they do things with great dedication and passion. This shows itself in intense emotions, sexuality, aggression or selfishness. This extreme passion makes them feel uncomfortable. Because they feel themselves to be a victim of their instincts, they are afraid of harming others with it, which gives them a strong feeling of guilt again.
A last resort is to become psychotic. The feeling of guilt can become so big that they can’t resolve it in a normal fashion anymore, more so because it often has strong religious overtones. They feel totally guilty, down to their inner core, and the only way out is to become mad. They sit and stare in silent gloom.
General characteristics
Location: left sided.
Physique: fair, blue eyed; slightly overweight; pale grey complexion.
Temperature: warm, > fresh air, > sea (3), < draught.
Time: < summer.
Desires: chocolate.
Aversion: milk, onions.
eating, cold food.
Menses : pain before menses.
Sleep: somnambulism.
Physical: violent movement.
Acrid, watery discharges.
Chorea and epilepsy.
Glandular swelling, hard and painful or painless.
Fever without perspiration. Cancer.
Colds with acrid discharge and hoarseness. Air feels cold. Mumps.
Thyroid swollen. Hypo- or hyper thyroidism.
Allergic asthma with flapping of alae nasi, constriction in throatpit.
Whooping cough.
Swelling, inflammation and cancer of ovaries or testes.
Skin: acne, sensation of cobweb on face.
Stinking wounds with green pus.
DD: Bad, Bromatums, Fluoratums, Hep, Iod, Lyss, Med, Spong, Stram, Tub.