Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Scrophulous blondes. Constrictions, glandular induration or membranous formations. Weak and easily overheated, then sweaty and sensitive to drafts.
Head congested, fears a stroke. Acrid, burning coryza. Nosebleed. Face seems drawn to a point at nose. Flatus from vagina. Inhaled air seems smoky, cold or raw. Lungs feel coated with down. Wants to take a deep breath, but it excites cough. Suffocative fits; he starts up choked with croupy or wheezing cough, or with palpitation. Asthma. Spasm of glottis. Asthma of sailors going ashore. Deep hoarseness, < if heated. Diphtheritic croup. Colds start in larynx; go upward (Merc. Sep.) and downward. Thick, white expectoration. Even a small goitre oppresses. Nervous palpitation. Cardiac hypertrophy. Slow, glandular enlargement. Boring in bones.
Region: LARYNX; RESPIRATION; Heart; Circulation; Glands, Parotid; Thyroid; Ovaries; Mammae.
Worse: WARM: DAMPNESS; Overheating; Room; Chilled while hot; Sea bathing; Dust; Drafts; Until midnight.
Better: Nosebleed (vertigo, head, chest); At sea; Motion.