Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
2.2.1 Beryllium muriaticum
This is a new remedy.
Beryllium Muriaticum
Uncertain Broken relations
Yielding Mother Child
Adapting Care Nurturing
Powerless Attention
Self criticism Self pity
Unobtrusive Pathetic Attention seeking
Unreal Anti social
Yielding out of fear of breaking up the relationship.
Adapting to mother.
Adapting as a mother.
Powerless towards mother.
Self criticism as a mother.
An uncertain mother.
Unobtrusively nurturing.
Too insecure to dare to ask for pity.
An unreal type of person through cares.
Picture of Beryllium muriaticum
Essence: Adapting through fear of break up of the relationship.
Adapting through fear of break up of the relationship
These people are very unsure of themselves. They don’t know how to stand up for themselves, especially because they think that the other person will leave them if they do. So they tend to ignore their own needs to please others; they come across as being kind and very easy going.
Self criticism as a mother
In their capacity of being a mother they feel a great lack of self confidence. They are afraid they can’t take care of the children properly, so they are always busy trying to prove to themselves that they are capable. They have many anxieties about the children and tend to feel that they haven’t done enough. They put their own needs aside out of fear that the children might grow up to feel as insecure and fearful as they do. They run around all day for their husband and children, but they like doing this unobtrusively. They don’t want to push themselves to the foreground in any way, in case it looks as if they want too much for themselves.
Adapting to mother
When they are young they feel overawed by their mother. They are afraid of her criticism and they would rather do as she says. So they start helping her and doing little jobs around the house for her. But they don’t get round to doing what they want for themselves. They devote themselves totally to the task of pleasing their mother in order not to lose her.
An uncertain mother
A variation on this theme is the situation where their mother lacks self confidence and is always criticising herself. She is always adapting to other people’s wishes until she has become a nobody and doesn’t know who she is anymore. So the child would not know what a strong mother looks like, it has no example of how to stand up for itself. So it will stay stuck in the same kind of weakness.
Too insecure to dare to ask for pity
They are afraid of asking something for themselves. As soon as they ask the tiniest favour they are immediately afraid that the other person will think them a nuisance. The thought that others might think of them as attention-seekers makes them feel even more inferior.
Unreal person
When things get even more extreme they may turn into a non-person. They have suppressed their own wishes for so long that there is nothing left of their own personality. All their own desires have been lost in their never ending care for other people.
Fears: alone, water, danger, vague, unknown, life, strangers, future, travelling, flying, crowds, streets, failure, disease, operations, cancer, death.
Dreams: water, sea, waves, drowning, children, mother, disease and death of friends and family.
Mood: sensitive, emotional, complaining, attention seeking, timid, uncertain, indecisive, obsessive, magic, ritualistic.
Aggression: aggressive.
Causes: loss of parents, family or friends.
Build: thin.
Locality: left.
Weather: warm hands and feet; sea (2), fresh, sunny weather; fear of thunder in childhood.
Perspiration: little.
Time: < 7 and 11 pm.
Desires: sweet, chocolate, sour, spices, milk, coffee, vegetables, fruit, salt, starch.
Aversion: fat, egg, meat.
Food: < chocolate, spices.
Menses: prolonged; < before, during or after menses, < after pregnancy; painful and swollen breasts before menses; menses infrequent; tiredness < during menses.
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep.
Physical: < exertion.
Head stooped forward, crossing legs or feet.
Tired, lack of energy. Dryness of skin and mucus membranes.
Lymph glands swollen in neck, axilla and groin.
Retarded and stunted growth, small breasts.
Headache, starting from neck and base of the skull, radiating to forehead, like a tight cap.
Ear infections, Pain < pressure, stiff and painful jaws.
Nose dry and blocked, < morning, colds and sinusitis.
Cough with mucus.
Cardiovascular diseases, infarct.
Stomach complaints, empty feeling.
Constipation, stools hard and dry.
Prostate problems. Sterility.
Kidney infections with oedema <<< throat infections.
Skin eruptions on chest and arms, red spots, << sun.
DD: Carbon series, Silicon series, stage 2 and 17.