Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
The Baryta's
The easiest way to describe the characteristics of the Baryta group would be to call them a stronger version of Calcarea. Whilst Calcarea is afraid of what others will think about them, Baryta is convinced that others will think them to be worth nothing.
Laughed at
The Baryta's think that all they are worth is to be laughed at, and this is what usually happens. They feel ridiculous and this is a word they often use when they talk about themselves. They also dream about being ridiculed. In the repertory we find the rubrics 'delusion she is laughed at and mocked; therefore hides behind the furniture' and 'delusion that everyone is looking at her'.
The Baryta's are very sensitive to criticism, but not as much as the Calcarea's. It is already obvious to the Baryta's that they are worth nothing, whilst the Calcarea's keep hoping that others will still approve of them.
Small, futile, backward
They think that they will be laughed at, because they can’t do anything properly. They feel small and useless, which is typified in the rubric: 'delusion that he walks on his knees'. They often use the words 'I can’t do it'. They feel that they are only capable of very little, even when they try their hardest. Sometimes they are actually very small physically, as in the case of dwarves, or they might be mentally retarded.
They often behave in a silly or childish manner. This might be real, or they might fake it to avoid having to take responsibility for something. They try to avoid having to do any task, because they feel that they can’t do it anyway.
This is often the situation of a physically or mentally retarded person, for instance the 'idiot', who can’t do anything by himself and who is ridiculed by everyone.
For fear of being laughed at they are inclined to hide themselves away. If other people can’t see them, they also won’t notice how stupid they are. They start to avoid company, especially the company of strangers. Their own family may be all right, but even the company of grandparents might be too threatening for them. When they are still a child they will hide behind the furniture. When they are a bit older they will quickly go to their own room. They don’t like to talk, because it draws too much attention. They are afraid of strangers and large groups of people.
Baryta carbonicum shows his insecurity by his great shyness. But this is due, mainly, to the Carbon element. The other Baryta's are also shy, but not so obviously. With them the shyness may only be in certain areas, and they can give the impression of being very self assured as, for instance, Bar-s.
General characteristics
Temperature: cold, < cold, < damp.
Desires: sweet.
Pressing pains.
Weakness. Emaciation.
Dementia. Idiocy. Retarded development.
Dwarfischness: the mental feeling of being small corresponds with a small-sized body or parts of the body.
Swollen glands, cancer of the glands.
Swollen and inflamed tonsils.