Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
622.72.03 Asarum europaeum
Names: Asarum europaeum.
English: European Snake-root.
French: Asaret.
Dutch: Mansoor.
Content: potassium; aristolochia acid; asarone; camphor.
Nervous affections, loss of energy, with excessive erethism.
Needs well structured routines.
Love: animals.
Eager to learn and curious ask for explanation, insisting.
Thoughts vanish.
Sensitive, oversensitive, < noise, < scratching on silk or linen or paper unbearable.
Nervous deafness and asthenopia.
Nervous, anxious people; excitable or melancholy.
Imagines he is hovering in the air like a spirit; lightness of all the limbs.
Oversensitive, !! unbearable < noise, < scratching of linen or silk, < crackling of paper.
Sensibility increased, even from mere imagination.
Dreams: humiliations, mortification; insults received, vexatious; shameful, guilt; disease, pain; unpleasant, anxious; anger, angry.
Superior, disdain.
Sensation: contracting, tension; parts were pressed together.
Weather: < cold dry weather; > damp and wet weather.
Sweat: easily excited.
Desire vegetables; alcoholic.
Aversion: food, loss of appetite.
Food: tobacco tastes bitter.
Physical: < penetrating sounds; > washing.
Fever: chilliness, shivers, always feels cold, < emotion; single parts get icy cold.
Energy: weakness, with staggering; walking late; faintness.
Head: pain, compressing; drawing pressure in forehead; tension of scalp; hair painful.
Eyes: stiff; burn; cold; pains darting, < cold air or water, > sunlight, > wind, < operations; pressed asunder or outward, < reading, < bathing in cold water; asthenopia.
Ears: plugged up; catarrh; deafness; heat of external ear; noises.
Nose: coryza, with sneezing.
Face: expressionless.
Mouth: clean tongue; saliva copious, cold, watery.
Lungs: bronchitis; nervous, hacking cough; short respiration.
Stomach: belching and vomiting; nausea; < eating, < pregnancy; pain pressing, digging, horrible, < waking, < morning, < debauch.
Abdomen: flatulence.
Rectum: stool, strings, odourless, yellow, tough, mucus, undigested; diarrhoea; prolapse.
Female: menses too early, long lasting, black; tenacious, yellow leucorrhoea.
Back: violent pain in small of back; paralytic pain in muscles of nape of neck.
Limbs: pains and spasmodic muscular actions.