Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Ammonium phosphoricum
The picture of Ammonium phosphoricum is almost unknown. Boericke (1982, page 46) does not say much about it either.
Ammonium Phosphoricum
Resentment, grudge Communication
Anger, hate, criticism Sympathetic
Closed, reserved Friends, acquaintances, neighbours
Idealism Brothers
Disappointed, gloomy Homesickness
Language and learning
Curiosity and travel
Restlessness and fears
The group analysis gives us the theme of resentment towards friends.
They have a desire for contact, especially with friends. They are inclined to idealise their friends, and they can be very shocked if these friends happen to do something that they don’t agree with. For instance, if these friends are going out with other people they think that their own friendship is not good enough. They get annoyed and walk around with a grudge, although they don’t express this openly. They just withdraw and think that this friendship wasn’t a true friendship anyway.
A variation on the theme is that they might have a grudge against a brother or sister. It really comes down to the same theme as described above: a disappoint-ment in the ideal brother or sister instead of the ideal friend.
The resentment might also be focused on someone else, but because of a lost brother, sister or friend. For instance, they have lost a friend and blame someone else for breaking up the friendship.
Yet another variation might be a case where there is resentment because of missed opportunities for study. They have a great desire for new opportunities, develop-ments, study, travel etc. Anything which provides them with new impressions and novel ideas is of great value. If they lose out on these opportunities in some way they get extremely upset, and they will resent anyone who has done this to them. They are also envious of others who have had the chance to do these things.
A final variation on the theme is the situation whereby they themselves have friends or brothers with a grudge. They are somehow attracted to people with grudges. If they hear a story about an ideal that has been thwarted they feel very sympathetic. So they easily make contact with resentful people and they tend to take on these feelings of bitterness themselves.
resentment because of lost friends or brothers, or because of missed chances of travel and study.
They need contact and communication, and they usually have many friends. Their expectations of this contact with brothers, sisters and friends are usually very high. They have a kind of ideal picture of it in their imagination. Although it is easy for them to make contact, if this contact gets broken for any reason they feel very hurt. They will put the blame on someone else, perhaps on the friend who did not maintain the friendship well enough in their eyes, or on someone else who was the cause of the break up. For instance, someone who caused of the death of their friend. They will feel resentful towards such a person, and their ability to make new contacts will gradually diminish. They will shut themselves off from new opportunities to make friendships, because it won’t ever be the same again as the ideal situation with their old friend.
The same sort of process may also take place in relation to opportunities for study or travel. If they fail an exam, or can’t get a place for a course at college, they build up an enormous resentment towards the person who has 'done this to them'. Such a situation may arise, for instance, when they have been physically or mentally injured by an accident caused by someone else.
The way in which all these feelings are expressed is similar to the case of the other ammoniums.Firstly they may be angry, irritable, critical and cynical, or secondly they may be closed and reserved, hardly showing their feelings and their resentment.
Thirdly, they feel helpless in a situation over which they have no control, and fourthly they are inclined to idealise that which has been lost.
Besides this element, we also have the characteristics of Phos: they are very sympathetic, but they are not as open. They are afraid, especially of disease and thunderstorms. They are better from being magnetised, and are good at magne-tising.
Dreams: about a big building in which they get lost and from where they can’t escape.
Location: right sided.
Physique: tall and thin.
Temperature: cold, < cold, < outside; fear of thunderstorm(3).
Time: < 3 am.
Desire: coffee(2), chocolate(2), sweet, sour, tobacco.
Aversion: meat, < eating. < potatoes, alcohol.
Physical: > rubbing, < stretching.
Pains are burning and biting.
Discharges are acrid, watery and yellow. Haemorrhages.
Sinusitis. Colds.
Lung complaints, emphysema.
Sciatica. Inflammation of the joints with contractures. Nodosities on joints.
The skin and mucous membranes may be fiery red, swollen and burning.
DD: Ammoniums, Caust, Nit-ac, Nitricums, Phosphoricums.