Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.47.11 Achillea millefolium, Millefolium
English: Yarrow.
French: Achillee millefeuille.
Dutch: Duizendblad.
Source: Sense provings.
Feels invincible but has one weak point.
Lack of strength, inner strength.
Unhappy relationships.
Anger from adultery, being dishonoured.
Delusion no resistance, - > resistance.
Obstinate, angry, bossy; knocking her head against the wall.
Dreams: wind raised him in bed and a storm howled through right side of upper part of head, before midnight.
Dreams: has to take an exam and is afraid of not being prepared.
Theme: immortality.
Weather: < heat; < cold.
Time: < 4 pm.
Physical: <<< fall from a height; << violent exertion; over-lifting.
Energy: weakness.
Discharge: haemorrhages, painless, without fever, bright red, fluid blood, from lungs, bronchi, larynx, mouth, nose, stomach, bladder, rectum, uterus, < after labour or abortion, < great exertion, < miscarriage, < mechanical origin, < wounds.
Fever: high, hectic, influenza, measles.
Vertigo: < moving slowly, > violent exercise.
Head: headache, as if a storm howled through the head, > banging head against a wall.
Nose: frontal sinusitis; hayfever.
Mouth: < dentition.
Lungs: cough; expectoration bright blood, < suppressed menses or haemorrhoids; haemoptysis, < injury, < tuberculosis.
Heart: oppression and palpitation.
Abdomen: liver problems.
Female: menses early, profuse, protracted, suppressed, with colic pain in abdomen; leucorrhoea, children from atony; post- partum haemorrhage.
Limbs: ecchymosis; right arm seemed paralysed.
Skin: wounds.