Jan Scholten
Zincum nitricum
Zincum Nitricum
Restless Assertiveness
Intelligent Enthusiasm
Repetitive Tension Congestion
Copying Relaxation
Pollution Enjoying
Failure Sociable
Overdoing your work to be assertive.
Working restlessly without relaxation.
Repeating tension.
Unable to enjoy because of pollution.
Intelligent and idealistic.
Copying the sociable atmosphere.
Essence: overdoing your work to be assertive.
Overdoing your work to be assertive
They want to do their work very well because that is what gives them their sense of self-worth. But they tend to overdo it, they are so keen to assert themselves that they don’t know when to stop. Or they constantly keep themselves in check out of fear of getting stuck.
Working restlessly without relaxation
They go on and on without a break. They never have time to enjoy the good things in life. They get so restless that they are unable to relax. Their upbringing was often one of work, work, work. Eventually they get so overwrought that even rest doesn’t help anymore, a state of complete breakdown.
Pollution prevents them from enjoying life
They find it impossible to relax amongst all the work that has been piling up. Everywhere they look there are heaps of work to be done still. Or they may see what has been overdone and the rubbish and pollution this has caused. How can they possible enjoy a world that has been so polluted? Every time they try and relax there is another disappointment in the environment that dampens their enthusiasm. They tend to be so idealistic that the slightest sign of pollution becomes like a huge threat to them. They are so intelligent that they notice everything that is detrimental to beauty.
Copying the sociable atmosphere
In order to find some form of relaxation they’ll look around to see how others do it. By copying others they hope to find ways of releasing the tension. But it isn’t real, it doesn’t come from the inside, so it doesn’t really work.
Fears: failure, falling, heights, criticism, pursued, opposition, observed, touch, anticipation, thieves, family, alone, cerebral haemorrhage, death, being buried, dark, horror, ghosts, fantasies, noise, narrow spaces !!, tunnels, caves, shops, lifts, planes, trains, being locked up, enjoying, disease !!, cancer, heart diseases, insanity, vague, unknown, life, strangers, future, travelling, crowds, open spaces.
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, exams, burglars, ghosts, monsters, fleeing, thieves, strangled, pursued, animals, erotic, disease, falling, heights, party, accident, murder, quarrels, water.
Delusions: criminal, devil, death, dead people, objects are double, being light, poisoned, thieves.
Irritability: grumbling, irritable, < being woken, < music.
Mood: happy, gloomy, discontented, hurried, changeable, complaining, sentimental, laughing, hysterical, screaming.
Mental: analytical, exhaustion, slow, delirious, chaotic, confused, dementia, forgetful, idiotic, mad, manic, childish, very active, mistakes.
Contacts: <-, ->, <- talking, < talk.
Work: ->><<-.
Sexuality: strong, nymphomania, kisses everyone.
Causes: humiliation, insults, alone, anticipation, fright, sadness, home-sickness, trifles, abuse, incest, violence, parents absent.
Professions: computer programmer, bookkeeper.
Type: obese !!, pale, sallow, wrinkled.
Locality: left.
Weather: warm, < heat, < inside, > outside, < damp.
Perspiration: profuse,< night, < tired.
Time: < 9 am !!, < summer; complaints come and go suddenly.
Desires: fried bacon !!, fat, fatty meat, ham, cheese !!, salt, carbonated drinks.
Aversion: fat !!, cheese !!, bacon, ham, meat, beans, fish, milk, warm, sprouts !!, mushrooms, cloves.
Food: < red wine, sweet, coffee, cheese, fat, bacon, beans, peas.
Menses: little; > during menses.
Sleep: sleeplessness < nightmares; << lack of sleep; somnambulism, difficulty getting asleep, << legs tingling.
Physical: > sitting back!, < touch, < pressure, of clothes, < jars, riding in a car, > discharges;<< suppressed discharges, vaccination !!; < noise, music.
Discharges are putrid and stinking.
Pains are congestive and throbbing !!, stitching, as from a splinter !, redness, swelling and heat.
Restless, repetitive movements !!, head rolling, head banging, nail biting, tapping, thumb sucking, movements of the mouth < talking, restless legs < getting to sleep, grabs the bedclothes, tics, Chorea, Gilles de la Tourette.
Neurological complaints !!: epilepsy, paralysis, meningitis, Hydrocephalus, coma, MS, Parkinson’s, dementia.
Vertigo, everything is turning round, tendency to fall.
Migraine !!, pressing, forehead, << school.
Strabismus, eye infections.
Ear infections, hayfever, bronchitis, asthma.
Late teething, < teething.
Nose: crusts, difficult to dislodge, painful. Sneezing.
heart and vascular diseases !!; angina pectoris, palpitations, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis. Claudicatio. Cerebral haemorrhage. Anaemia !!. Hot flushes !!, < night, after urination.
Head becomes red and hot after wine, feeling as if it will explode.
Stomach complaints, pain, heartburn. Diabetes, < pregnancy.
Abdominal pains with distension, rumbling, flatus and eructations. Diarrhoea acrid < wine. Constipation.
Retention of urine, > sitting back; enlarged prostate !!.
Inflammation of joints, in hands, with congestion, stiffness, swelling.
Backache, lumbar, < carrying heavy loads.
Eczema, red patches, allergic; white spots on nails.
DD: Carbon series, Iron series, Stage 11,12 and 15, Ammoniums, Sulphuricums, Staphysagria, Thuja, Viola odorata, Viola tricolour.