Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.47.08 Pyrethrum parthenium, Pyrethrum
Names: Pyrethrum officinalis, Chrysanthemum pyrethrum.
French: Pyrethre de Dalmatie.
Use: pesticide.
They feel responsible for their work. They take over the work of others who do their job poorly. On one hand they feel angry and parasited on and on the other hand they feel they cannot let the work undone as they feel so responsible. They feel abused.
People are aggressively invading them.
Has done wrong in the past and criticises himself for it.
Feels impossible to change the situation for the better.
Delusion no resistance, - > resistance.
Obstinate, angry, bossy.
Excitement, loquacity.
Very excited, talked incessantly for four hours.
Lying in state of stupor, easily roused but quickly relapsing.
Being kept small, treated as a child.
Ailments form being abused, in work; sexual abuse; receiving too little love from their parents.
Dream: vulture, husband made contact, vulture ate from arm.
Dream: having to do complex cooking.
Weather: < heat.
Time: < 7 am; < January; periodical; < autumn.
Physical: < insects.
Fever: high, hectic, changeable, influenza, measles.
Nervous: violent convulsions, movements like tetanus; paralysis one-sided.
Discharge: blood; haemorrhages, ecchymosis.
Head: sinusitis, frontal, headache, as if a stone, pressing, < stooping; apoplexy.
Eyes: vision low.
Nose: frontal sinusitis; hayfever; sneezing; coryza.
Mouth: < dentition; toothache, pain jaws; paralysis tongue; salivation; sore tongue.
Throat: infection, pain raw, cough.
Heart: pulse very rapid, feeble.
Stomach: burning weak, nausea vomit.
Abdomen: hard distended; colic; liver, problems; flatulence.
Rectum: diarrhoea, < 5 am, profuse, exhausting; typhus, bloody; constipation; ineffectual straining; involuntary evacuations of mucus slightly tinged with blood.
Urinary: kidney.
Female: menses dark, deficient.
Back: lumbago, sciatica.
Limbs: ecchymosis; rheumatism, subacute, hands, small bones; feet, legs and body swollen; gout; twitching of muscles of limbs.
Skin: wounds, ulcers, erysipelas.