Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.26.02 Strophanthus hispidus
Precocious loquacity.
Stage fright.
Fear: ordeals, anticipation.
Sensation: crushing; stitches; twitching, undulations.
Desire: ! coffee.
Aversion: food; tea; alcohol.
Food: < alcohol; < tobacco; < tea.
Physical: < exertion.
Vertigo: lifted, waving, undulations, faintness, senile.
Head: headache, stitching pains, temples, with dimness of vision, diplopia and dilatation alternating with contraction of pupils; with redness and swelling of lips.
Eyes: brilliant; pupils dilated, contracted, alternately every few seconds, mobile; vision glimmering, swimming, dim.
Face: flushed, red spots; lips scarlet.
Throat: constricted; exophthalmic goitre.
Lungs: dyspnoea, nervous; asthma bronchial, cardiac, < ascending; pneumonia.
Heart: palpitation, pulse weak, small, rapid, irregular, lively; chronic, nervous, < exertion, emotions; aching; anguish; weak muscles; insufficiency, decompensation; feels enlarged, dilatation; fatty; irritable heart, < tobacco; left ventricle contracting with vigour; aortic valves closing with a loud and distinct "tup"; mitral regurgitant murmur; rigid arteries; chronic or fibroid endocarditis; mitral stenosis.
Stomach: burning in the oesophagus and stomach, nausea, vomiting.
Abdomen: rumbling.
Rectum: colicky diarrhoea, with burning at anus.
Urinary: urine scanty, increased; general oedema.
Limbs: swollen; dropsy; heavy forearms and fingers; pain, aching, hips, extensors of the thighs, < menopause.
Skin: hives; urticaria.