Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Dusky, scrawny and heamorrhagic. Numbness, insufferable tingling, crawling, twitching, gnawing or cramping; with stiffness; in single parts; starting in face or back; in limbs; in fingertips; after the pains, etc. Burnings; here and there, like fire. Dark, thin, foul or exhausting discharges. Decomposition. Petechiae. Varicoses. Passive bleedings or discharges. Contracted arterioles. Tonic spasm.
Mental weakness after spasms. Fear, depressed by; maniacal. Sparks before eyes. Distorted or sunken countenance; blue rings under eyes. Wild look. Thirst; craves acids. Empty retching. Empty feeling in hypogastrium. Wants abdomen uncovered. Gushing, painless, watery, olive-green or bloody stools; with collapse. Bloody urine. Everything seems loose and open. Senile enuresis. Inert uterus, or bearing down with coldness. Contracted uterus; hour-glass contraction. Miscarriage. Green lochia. Septic placenta. Metritis. Gangrene of female organs. Leucorrhoea; brown, foul; continuous. Pains through chest on pressing spine. Cold limbs. Bluish fingers and toes. Cramps in hands, legs and feet. Fingers spread apart; bent backward or clenched; look water soaked. Boils with green pus. Blood blisters. Cold, dry, wrinkled or bluish skin, < over affected part. Raynaud's disease. Foul, indolent ulcers. Twitching tremor or quiver in skin. EXTERNALLY, ICY COLD, YET BURNING HOT INTERNALLY; OBJECTS TO BEING COVERED, < ABDOMEN. Heat, as of sparks on skin. Erysipelas. Cold or foul sweat; destroying shoes.
Region: Muscles, BLOOD-VESSELS; UTERUS; BLOOD; Nerves; Cord; Limbs.
Worse: WARMTH; During menses; Pregnancy; Loss of fluids; COVERS.
Better: Cold; bathing; Uncovering; Rocking; Forcible extension.