Clades: Hookeriales, Bryidae, Bryanae, Bryophyta, Plants.
Region: United States, Mexico, West Indies, Bermuda, Central America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Islands.
Genera: 21; ± 400 species.
Moss; in small to medium-sized mats, pleurocarpous, white, yellowish, pale green, bluish, or brownish.
Stems: primary-stems green, creeping, spreading, regularly or irregularly pinnate; hyalodermis present or absent, central cylinder cells large, walls thin, central strand absent; paraphyllia absent; filamentous, pseudoparaphyllia absent; ± radiculose; axillary hairs of 2–several cells, basal-cell small, brown, distal cell elongate, hyaline; secondary stems spreading, suberect, frondose, not or sparingly branched.
Leaves: ± complanate, often dorsiventrally oriented, somewhat dimorphic; vertical (dorsal and ventral) leaves erect, broadly oblong, oblong-ovate, or ovatelanceolate; lateral leaves erect-spreading to spreading, narrower; margins often dentate; apex usually acuminate; costa double, well developed; alar cells undifferentiated; laminal cells isodiametric or linear-rhomboidal, smooth to 1-papillose, walls lax to firm; marginal cells forming border or not. Sexual condition polygamous: autoicous, synoicous, or dioicous. Seta red to reddish yellow, elongate, smooth or papillose-scabrous.
Capsule: inclined, horizontal, pendulous, or sometimes erect, ovoid to oblong-cylindric, smooth, contracted below mouth when dry; annulus absent or narrow; operculum conic, rostrate to subulate; peristome double, dark red or redbrown; exostome teeth 16, lanceolate to lance-subulate, furrowed, cross-striolate basally, papillose distally, trabeculate, sometimes bordered; endostome yellow to yellowbrown, finely papillose to nearly smooth, basal membrane high, segments lanceolate, as long as teeth, keeled, cilia absent.
Calyptra: conic-mitrate to mitrate-campanulate, base lobed or fringed, smooth or papillose-scabrous distally, naked. Spores smooth to finely papillose.
Genera: Actinodontium, Amblytropis, Brymela, Callicostella, Callicostellopsis, Cyclodictyon, Diploneuron, Helicoblepharum, Hemiragis, Hookeriopsis, Hypnella, Lepidopilidium, Lepidopilum, Neohypnella, Philophyllum, Pilotrichidium, Pilotrichum, Stenodesmus, Stenodictyon, Thamniopsis, Trachyxiphium.