Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.34.16 Phyllanthus niruri
English: Stonebreaker; Seed-Under-Leaf.
Names: dukong-dukong anak; amin buah; rami buah; turi hutan; bhuiaonla; Meniran; Keela Nelli; Nela Nelli; Nela Usiri; Pokok dukung anak.
Spanish: Chanca Piedra.
Portuguese: Quebra Pedra.
Content: phyllanthin, hydrophyllanthin, tannin, saponine, calcium oxalate, phyltetralin, nirtetralin, niranthin.
Dreams: ghosts with abnormal dimensions of body parts and dressed in multi-coloured garments.
Sweat: scanty.
Energy: weak.
Nervous: spasms; imbalance.
Vertigo: falling to either side, < lying down, looking down, rising, < morning.
Infection: bacteria, malaria; viruses, hepatitis A, B and C, herpes and HIV.
Head: heavy, temples, < least motion, > light pressure, open air, lying down; headache, < movement, ascending stairs, > rest, cold drinks.
Eyes: being pressed out, < shaking head; watering profuse, right eye.
Nose: discharge, watery, accurate, right side, worlds extra exposure to rain; obstruction, worse sleep; sneezing, piercing pain in root, > fanned; colds, flu, tuberculosis.
Mouth: aphthae, upper and lower lip, stinging pain, < touch, salty, spicy.
Throat: raw, burning, < cold water, > sun, wrapping neck.
Heart: hypertension, purifies blood; anaemia; high cholesterol.
Stomach: nausea, < morning, sight of blood; pain, ulcers; indigestion.
Abdomen: pain, stitching, right hypochondria, < inspiration, movement, > rest, hot liquids; pain, lower, > warm applications, menses; ! diabetes; liver infection, intoxication, cancer, hepatitis, hepatitis B; jaundice; gall stones.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool watery; constipation; worms.
Urinary: urination frequent; kidney; cystitis; nephritis; urine scanty, uric acid.
Male: prostatitis, venereal diseases.
Female: menses scanty; infertility.
Skin: itching; allergy, scabies, furuncle; wounds.