Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
The Phosphoricums
In order to understand the central theme of the Phosphoricums, it is best to start with Phosphorus itself. Vithoulkas (1991c, page 155) calls the essence of Phosphorus 'diffusion'. The boundaries of Phosphorus are so vague that anything can go in or out, virtually without restriction. Hence the open character of Phosphorus, the sympathetic disposition.
The concept 'communication' is very applicable to Phosphorus and the Phosphoricums. The communication channels in Phosphorus are so strong and open that he doesn’t know which are his own thoughts and feelings, and which are those of the other person. The essence is the exchange of thoughts and feelings.
They have a strong desire for company. They want to talk and exchange ideas. They usually talk a lot and very openly, they communicate freely about the thoughts that live inside them. But they don’t hold monologues, like Lachesis, they are not loquacious as such. At a later stage the company might also become too much for them. That is when they develop an aversion to company and conversation. They might become completely indifferent, even to their family.
Because of the open communication, Phosphorus is very sympathetic. They quickly take on other people's thoughts and feelings. It is as if they resonate with other people, who appreciate this acknowledgement of their own feelings. The sympathy of Phosphorus does not necessarily last very long. As soon as they meet someone else their sympathy will turn to that person.
We see the same phenomenon with their fears. They are easily frightened of any disease they happen to hear about. It is as if they take over the complaints as soon as they read or hear about them. They get afraid that they might have the same disease. But they are just as easily reassured again. If the doctor sets their mind at ease that these complaints are not serious they accept his reassurance and their complaints disappear. But as soon as they hear about another disease, this reassurance can disappear again as quickly as it came.
Phosphorus is also listed in the repertory as sympathetic.
Friends, acquaintances, neighbours, brothers
Phosphorus and the Phosphoricums have a problem with respect to friends, acquaintances and relations. They have many friends and consider someone to be a friend even when they have only just met them. The classic picture of Phosphorus, for instance, is the patient whom you feel you know so well after the first consultation that you would like him to be your friend. Brothers and sisters are in the same category. It is easy to feel relaxed in their company, communication flows naturally with them.
Phos has homesickness as a typical symptom. It is a keynote for Phos-ac. But the other Phosphoricums suffer from it too. In Calcium phosphoricum and Phosphorus it is already known. I have also met it in Ferr-p and Kali-p. The homesickness stems from a loss of contact. They miss the usual contact with neighbours and friends, so they feel homesick.
Love disappointments are also felt in a similar way: the most important aspect is that they miss the contact. Passion plays a much smaller part.
Language and learning
Another aspect of communication is the use of language, in all its facets, such as talking and listening, reading and writing. Connected to this is the aspect of thinking and learning. Thinking and learning is done for a large part through language. The Phosphoricums usually like talking, much and often.
We often see problems at school with the Phosphoricums. The headache of school-children is well known in Calcium phosphoricum and Phos-ac. Kali-p has exhaustion from too much study. Mag-p can get very sleepy from studying. Mental exertion can become a big problem. They can become completely exhausted and confused from studying. Eventually they might become apathetic and dazed, even have blackouts.
These learning problems might occur especially during puberty. In addition to their studies the growth of their bones also takes a lot of energy.
Curiosity and travel
Connected to learning we also see curiosity. They display a great desire to expe-rience new things, to explore and discover. They need variety, and travel fulfils this need. When travelling one can continuously experience a variety of surroun-dings, culture and people. and all these people provide an opportunity for new contacts. Their interest goes out to new cultures and their general knowledge can be of a high and refined standard. The other side of the coin is that they are quickly bored if there is no promise of new and interesting events.
Restlessness and fears
Another characteristic is the nervousness and restlessness. This is also expressed in the travelling. The continual need for new things brings with it a general dissa-tisfaction with the ordinary. They restlessly search for new things, new contacts and discussions. There is a particular restlessness in their thoughts. Their thoughts are usually going very fast, with great imagination and fantasies.
This great imagination also makes it easy to think of all the things that could go wrong. Hence the many fears, particularly of disease and death. They are easily startled, also in their sleep. The restlessness can also take the form of compulsive movements.
General characteristics
Location: right
Physique: thin, tall.
Temperature: cold, sensitive to thunderstorms.
Time: < 9 pm.
Desire: spicy, salt, fish (3), cold drinks (2).
Aversion: salt, fish.
Menses copious, bright red.
Physical: rubbing.
Burning pains.
Haemorrhages of bright red blood. You could see these haemorrhages as being symbolic of the open type of character of the Phosphoricums.
Bone problems, growing pains, rachitis, osteoporosis.
Neurological diseases, convulsions, hyperventilation. Weakness with nervousness.
Tuberculosis, lung affections, bronchitis, asthma.