Jan Scholten
Passer domesticus
They are demanding to be respected, valued, honoured. They have a big desire for family and the group. He wants to belonging to the group and feel the connection with the others, protecting the family, its space and environment. He is cheerful, talkative, sociable, well being but it can suddenly turn to calmness, sadness, depresion, irritability, antisocial behavior. He can fell abused, attacked, threatened and a victim of violence. He can show also violent, rude behavior, swearing. Women would have a strong desire to be feminine, attractive, well dressed; choose the correct partner from more mates according to their qualities, attractivity, offered home.
Desire to have a family and belong to a group, which gives safety and protection of home. Desire for connection with others, a group, family.
Demanding to be honoured and respected, to be valued.
Sensation of being hampered by not being honoured, respected, included, valued.
Fighting for their place in the sun.
Sense of being threatened, of being the victim of violence.
Feeling accused, bullied, attacked.
Looking common but inside he knows he is special.
Symbol of true love and spiritual connection; strong sexuality.
The present; enjoy things, activities; use and enjoy things right now; just being.
Growing old, feeling old; noticed frown; embrace becoming older and wiser; age.
Cheerful, sociable, grouping, lively, energetic, active. Fizzy, bubbly, wild, shaky, euphoric.
Communicative, expressive, talkative, > company. Sensitive and irritable.
Energised; must do something; restlessness, boisterous; mischievous and naughty. Go from task to task not completing any.
Indifferent; standing on pedestal and looking down upon the world; can see everything.
Strong sexuality, lustful, fantasising.
Feminine aspect - a need to be more feminine and softer, nicer, well dressed, attractive.
Desire to cook and provide enough food for family and friends, enjoy cooking, household tasks, the feeling of looking after someone who is close to them.
Feel safe, cared for, loved, held.
Sensation of well being started to spill over into hyperactivity; buzzing, excited, focused, fantastic concentration but socially too wired and not as empathetic.
Barmy; unable to calm down; giggling; feel sky high, not grounded, light headed.
Slightly manic; trying to do many things at once; cannot keep mind, hectic.
Shaky, nervy, scared; loud noises; internal excitement, agitation, tremulousness, restless, nervous; need to talking.
Suddenly tearful and trembling inside, unable to speak; desire to be alone.
Calmness, peacefulness, ability remove oneself from the world and its turbulence, staring. Decisive; knows what he wants; there is a time and place for everything; we all have our time. State of disconnection; desire to sit and stare into space – like a trance, in a daze or desire to close eyes.
Sadness, heavy; lonely.
Depressed, sliding down and down.
Bored easily; concentration, comprehension difficult; making mistakes in writing; unfocussed; forgetful, clumsy; delusion around time, date, days, too fast, too slow.
Disconnected, detached, antisocial – people bored him, conversation is dull, boring; do not listen to others; only interested in conversation that is meaningful; worthy; things that matter to life quality and survival.
Irritability, lack of patience; intolerant; nasty; grudges; brooding; feeling aggressive.
Sex and mating: choose the correct partner from more mates.
Violent behaviour; swearing, striking; a cold calculating hunter; on the alert for danger.
Explosive; nasty, raging; totally wild.
Desire for loud, rock music; sing loudly and wants to drive a car full pelt.
Close relationship with cats.
Time passes very quickly.
Day is disrupted.
Top of head flew open with a pop and blast of white light. Air bubbles in head, like gaps in consciousness.
Could melt into the environment.
Someone pressing on my chest.
Fighting, killing, violence and death.
Animals: especially cats; dogs; insects, flies, spiders, maggots, snails, frogs.
Food and harvesting. Being trapped.
Have a respect. Running and flying. Waves.
Sex and mating.
Desire bright colors – red, pink, turquoise.
Fear: fear of loosing his wife to a more attractive man; violence; being threatened.
Weather: coldness; feeling hot.
Sweat: > sweating.
Food and drinks
Desire: hunger; eating much; tea.
Aversion: coffee.
Food: < coffee.
Sleep: well, deep; fall a sleep easily; tired, sleepy.
Physical: > dark.
Vertigo: dizzy feeling, drunk sensation.
Head: headache pressing, dull, pulsating, nagging and sickening, frontal, top of head and forehead, over eyes; cool sensation inside head; headache with slight nausea, very tired and depressed; pain in occiput, < by movement and by lying down; scalp sore, tense, itching, tingling, < scratching.
Eyes: pain and pressure around, behind, over eyes; photophobia.
Ears: blocked up, water in the ear sensation; pain; hearing voices very loud and grating. Nose: blocked, obstruction; sneezing; acute sense of smell.
Face: spots; rash; hot, burning; dry.
Mouth: sore, ulcers, spots on lips.
Throat: inflammation, sore, raw; choking; mucus.
Lungs: cough; pain,
Heart: intense pulsation.
Chest: breast sore, tender; nipples sore, bruised; pressing.
Stomach: slight nausea, morning <; gurgling.
Abdomen: sharp pain; flatulence, cramping.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Urinary: urination frequent.
Back: stiffness, aching neck, < turning of head, shoulders, between shoulder blades; lower back.
Limbs: upper limbs weak, heavy, sore, itching; lower limbs sore; pain, of feet, tights.
Skin: itching, rash, spots.