Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.44.04 Parthenium hysterophorus
Use: natural rubber, none of economic value; noxious weeds.
Doing their best to be allowed to be.
Being busy to show it is going well.
Feeling guilty when not being busy for someone else.
Idea that the other is stronger, better, more powerful.
Idea they have to justify themselves.
Achieving to be allowed to be there.
Feeling safe only when not having made a mistake.
Looking through a veil of fears; the veil makes everything more heavy, it disturbs reality.
Feeling unworthy.
Giving oneself little space; fear when not getting enough space from others, expecting the others to see how little my space already is.
Living limited.
Feeling of not having the capacity, that things are too difficult.
Others are too much.
Worse thinking of complaints.
Sensation: throbbing.
Weather: < cold, < warm; < heat of sun; > cold air; > covering.
Sweat: < perspiration.
Time: < 1 pm, < 5 pm, < night, > morning; < begin winter.
Aversion: vegetables.
Food: < quinine; < after dinner.
Sleep: < after sleep, > rising.
Physical: < sudden motion; > walking, > gentle rubbing; > vomiting.
Fever: malaria; debility.
Head: pain aching, pulsating, heavy, extending to nose; feels swelled; pain in frontal eminence; brain feels loose, < moving head; as if mercury moving in the head.
Eyes: heavy; eyeballs ache; disordered vision; red, itching, burning, with lachrymation.
Ears: ringing; tinnitus; pain.
Face: dark, thick, itching, like leather.
Nose: pain at root of nose; feels swollen.
Mouth: aching in teeth; teeth feel on edge; too long.
Lungs: Cheyne-Stokes breathing; asthmatic bronchitis, < beginning of winter.
Heart: problems.
Stomach: hyperacid, nausea.
Abdomen: pain in left hypochondrium; spleen affections.
Female: amenorrhoea; increased flow of milk.
Skin: dry, rough, thick; bleeding cracks.