Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
663.76.12 Nepenthes distillatoria
Names: Nepenthes distillatoria is an unresolved name.
English: Badura.
Source: Julian.
Botany: carnivorous.
Optimism, everything seems easier, less wasting.
Hasty, overactive, restless, impatience, nerves jangle and feeling of anguish.
Neurosis from anguish.
Depressed, sad, prostration, sadness and fatigue.
Neurasthenia. Apathy. Hypochondria.
Feeling of general, cerebral and physical tension.
Destroyed when being trapped, constricting.
Sensation: constricting; cutting, suffocative.
Type: pre-senility; carbonic, fluoric constitution.
Localisation: left side.
Weather: > fresh air; hot flushes.
Time: < night, < 3 pm hunger-pangs.
Aversion: food, appetite wanting.
Desire: food, < 6 am and around 11 pm thirst.
Food: < tobacco.
Aversion: smoking.
Sleep: narcolepsy; yawning, < eating, sleepiness; light and disturbed; insomnia at first, then deep sleep; wakes early.
General: cancer.
Energy: weariness, prostration, extreme tiredness, shivering.
Fever: feverish.
Nervous: nerve pain, unfamiliar, depressive sensation; diminution of nervous tension; internal trembling, > resting.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: cold; headache, migraines; heavy; scalp painful sensitive.
Eyes: pricking eyelids; conjunctivitis.
Mouth: dry; taste insipid, pimentos, like iron, burning flavour; palate rough; gingivitis; tongue dry, thick, inflamed, glossitis, parchment on tip, tingling at the tip of the tongue.
Nose: dry; atrophic rhinitis.
Throat: dry; hyperthyroidism; cancerous; syphilitic poisoning; larynx hard, sensitive on palpation; laryngitis.
Lungs: cough, dry, reflex from thyroid area.
Heart: lump in the praecordial region; cardiac neurosis; digestive cardiac pains.
Stomach: flatulent dyspepsia; ulcers; diaphragmtic hernia; pains, bruising; swelling, heavy, > deep breaths, > alkalis, > walking in the open air; cancer.
Abdomen: dull aching, liver; hard ball in epigastric; distension; bruising epigastrium; duodenal ulcers.
Rectum: stools easy, painful; bleeding haemorrhoids.
Urinary: diabetes insipidus; increased urine, < morning.
Genital: infections, syphilitic.
Female: menses early, copious; amenorrhoea; menstrual disorders; menorrhagia, metrorrhagia; endometriosis; pelvis heavy, congested, < before menses; stinging, needle-like, flashing pains, right ovary, < morning; pain left ovary, extending to left kidney; cystic ovaritis; frigidity; infertility.
Back: pains, lumbar, < bending down; fatigued; chronic lumbar rheumatism; torticollis.
Limbs: cramps in the left leg, > bending the leg; osteoarthritis of the hip; pains in the left hip.
Skin: dry, face; small eczematous eruptions; ichthyosis; pityriasis like eczema; herpes on right upper lip; violent itching, left elbow, scalp painful sensitive.