Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
654.14.12 Eucalyptus globulus
Names: eucalyptus, eu = good, well, kalyptos = covered.
Names: Blue Gum-tree; Tasmanian blue gum.
Content: monoterpenes, eucalyptol depresses temperature of healthy body; sesquiterpenes; phenolic acids.
Source: Sense provings.
Wants to do good but feels unrecognised in it.
Haughty in order to avoid being beaten, hides his ideas and emotions.
Activity: - > exercise, work.
Delusion: being lazy.
Lack of inspiration, expansion of thinking, remembering.
Cheerfulness, gaiety, excitable, exhilaration.
Mental: dull, prostration, exhaustion, brain fag.
Sex: desire.
Sensation: burning, pricking, stabbing, sharp, aching.
Localisation: mucous membranes; blood.
General: cancer.
Fever: heat, scarlet fever; malarial, remittent.
Head: headache, full.
Nose: stiff; tight; coryza, thin, watery, continuous; stuffed-up nose; tense, tight across bridge; chronic catarrh, purulent and foetid discharge; ethmoid and frontal sinus involved.
Throat: discoloration, relaxed, ulcers, aphthae.
Lungs: !; asthma; bronchitis; expectoration profuse, offensive, foetid, mucous, pus; irritating cough; whooping-cough in rachitic children; bronchial dilatation; emphysema.
Chest: constriction, gangrene, empyema.
Stomach: belching; beating, emptiness; throbbing; slow digestion; much foetid gas; pulsation in epigastric arteries.
Abdomen: full, pulsating, burning < stool, weak; peritonitis, enteritis, colitis; spleen contracted, hard, atrophy.
Rectum: diarrhoea violent; dysentery, typhoid.
Urinary: kidney failure, catarrh, degeneration, inflammation, hydronephrosis, tuberculosis; urethra: ulcer, vascular tumour, carbuncle; urine smell of violets.
Male: condylomata, tuberculosis testicle.
Female: leucorrhoea, acrid, foetid.
Limbs: arthritis, nodules, gout, metatarsal; muscle pain.
Skin: glandular enlargements and nodular swelling over joints; foul and indolent ulcers; herpetic eruptions.