Jan Scholten
Secret Lanthanides
2.9 Dyslexia
Dyslexia is an increasing problem in the last decade. It's particularly found in new-age children. It has a strong connection with Lanthanides.
They are often visual thinkers with “the gift of dyslexia”. A teacher at an anthroposophical school discovered that 9 out of his 21 pupils were visual thinkers. They were very good at insight subjects such as mathematics. The teacher discovered that they could solve the problems very fast. Some of his pupils said to their teacher when given a row of problems “Sir, is it OK if I only do the first one, for the rest of the problems are similar?”.
Contradictory messages
Dyslexia can be the consequence of double and contradictory messages. People have learned to be nice and friendly. So they act that way even when they feel different. Lanthanide people are often sensitive and perceive the hidden message, which contradicts the expressed message. This causes confusion in them, which leads to contradictory behavior such as dyslexia and dyspraxia.
An example is illustrative. A teacher was throwing a ball to a dyspractic child. Outwardly she behaved very cheerfully but felt sad inside. The child couldn't throw the ball back in a straightforward way. After the teacher realized that she was sending a double message, she changed her attitude and became honest. Immediately the child could throw the ball back correctly.
Here we see that the sensitivity is the crucial factor in the dyslexia. And Lanthanides are often very sensitive, seeing behind the facade.
Dyslexic children are sometimes treated successfully with prism glasses. Here we see the connection again with the visual and refraction problems. This can be connected to the two-leveled thinking. It has also connections with left-right coordination and with left and right brain connections.