Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.61.12 Crataegus curvisepala, Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus
Names: Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus laevigata.
English: Common Hawthorn; Long spined hawthorn; White thorn.
German: Stumpfgelappter, Zweigriffliger Weissdorn.
Dutch: Meidoorn.
DD: alfa, aven, cact, dig, heli-a, iber, naja, stroph.
Source: Anshutz, Boericke, Clarke, Grimmer, Phatak.
There is an overacting in love matters. They want to do it too well, tend to give too much. But they have the feeling that people or circumstances are acting against them.
This can lead to trying to control the circumstances or the partner. It can lead to overcontrol, even tyranny. They become very bossy and irritable from the least thing that they see as resistance.
Or they are controlled too much by their partner, as if they have a husband who is a tyrant.
Irritability, cross, hurried; nervous.
Hurried, flurried feeling.
Despair, feels weak and fragile.
Mental dullness; confused.
Weather: > fresh air, < warm room.
Sleep: insomnia of aortic patients.
Physical: > quiet and rest.
Energy: weak, exhausted.
Vertigo: faintness, collapse.
Head: headache.
Lungs: coughs, whooping cough; dyspnoea; pulmonary engorgement.
Heart: weak, flabby, failure, hypertrophy, fatty degeneration, dilatation, myocarditis, cancer; hypertension, arteriosclerosis, dropsy, angina pectoris; apex beat intense; heart valves destructed, mitral murmers, regurgitation; pulse irregular, feeble, fast, slow, exaggerated, erratic.
Chest: pain under left scapula, under left clavicle.
Stomach: nausea, dyspepsia.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Urinary: urine scanty.
Female: weakness, pain in the back.
Back: tender spot, left side of spine.
Limbs: cold, pale, blue, oedema; arm blue, left.