Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.42.05 Centaurea africana
Smart servant girl.
Aversion to everything.
Hilarity; lively spirits.
Easy-going, alternating with the opposite mood.
Absence of mind; forgets what he is doing; stupefied.
Asks questions and pays no attention when answered.
Sexual desire without erections.
Dreams: voluptuous, amorous.
Sensation: bruised and drawing.
Weather: chilly, < fever, partial, total; warmth, heat, short lasting.
Time: < evening, night.
Sweat: profuse, cold, forehead, < night.
Desire: food, appetite, alternating with nausea; drinks, thirst, = drinking, < fever.
Food: > eating.
Sleep: drowsiness day and night; cannot keep his eyes open.
Physical: < movement, < urinating; < walking.
Energy: languor and depression, prostration, rapid sinking of strength; as if thunderstruck; staggers like a drunken man.
Fever: intermittent, quotidian, tertian; with shivering.
Vertigo: dizziness, stupefying confusion.
Head: pain attacks deep, extensive, pressing, stupefying, fullness, forehead, temples, orbital arches, vertex, occiput, < sweat, < walking, < fever; weight, fullness, heat, congestion, surging of blood, forehead, < motion; painful throbbing in the frontal arteries; pain in, under occiput.
Eyes: wandering look; sunken dim; heavy; pain in the left eye, above the eyebrows; pain, heavy lids; lachrymation; smarting and itching of the conjunctiva; sclera pain, capillary vessels are inflamed; vision disturbance, diminishes, vanishes entirely for a moment; lachrymation.
Ears: itching, tingling, pricking in, behind ears.
Nose: sneezing; coryza fluent, watery, dry; loss of smell.
Face: earthy; stupid amazement or stupefaction.
Nose: coryza, running; itching.
Mouth: dry, = drinking; taste impaired, bitter; salivation increased, continuous; tongue red streak along the middle, white streak on the left side.
Throat: dry; inflammation, uvula, tonsils; raw pain, < swallowing; titillation larynx.
Lungs: cough, dry, < waking in the morning, < excited by tickling in the throat.
Heart: pain, lancinating, stitching like a thorn; dilation, anxiety; pulse slower, full, hard.
Chest: pain, severe burning, < after belching; pain in the right clavicle.
Stomach: abortive belching, which stops in the chest, with burning; nausea, with cold sweat; inclination to vomit; burning, griping, violent, pricking pain at the epigastrium; heavy, < meal.
Abdomen: pain, griping, colic, dull, burning, right hypochondrium; flatulence.
Rectum: diarrhoea, < waking in the morning, yellowish, stool copious.
Urinary: pain, weight, in the bladder, < movement, < urinating; pain, burning, urethra, < after urinating; urine scanty, abundant, deposits a mucous sediment full of flakes.
Back: burning pain in the left scapula.
Male: firm nocturnal erections; impotence; warmth, with sexual excitement.
Female: dry vagina; itching, heat labia; whitish leucorrhoea.
Limbs: arms weak, painful, < lifting them; arm numb, < lying on it; extensor muscles seem too short, painful; shoulders pain, erosion, itching; pain bruised, forearms, middle of the extensor muscle, < touch; swelling of the veins of the hands; thumb cannot be clenched; inclination to stretch legs; legs weak, paralytic, difficulty in walking; pain in hips and thighs, < walking; pain in right knee.
Skin: eruptions, sudden, violent itching, loins, thighs, backs of the hands, fingers; formication, as a worm crawling over the temples, hypogastrium.