Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.33.00 Boraginaceae
English: Borage family; Forget-me-not family.
French: Borraginees.
Botany: corolla plicate; inflorescence scorpioid cymes.
Content: polyphenols; pyrrolizidine alkaloids; naphthaquinones, alkannin, shikonin.
DD: Boron; Silicon, Lanthanides.
The position of Boraginaceae has been unclear in the past. In the Apg3 classification Boraginaceae has been placed in its own Order Boraginales in Lamiidae. Boraginaceae is treated sometimes as one big Family with several Subfamilies and at other times split into several Families.
In the Plant theory Boraginaceae is placed in Subphase 3.
They feel they have a place in the family and society, but they have to give to keep that place. They have to adapt and can only be half themselves. They have to please others in order to be accepted as a full member. They long for compliments and confirmation, but feel that they do not get it and then feel invisible, not heard, not recognised for their own unique identity. They are very sensitive, see and feel what others are doing and feeling. That makes them adapt and please even more and they cannot understand that others are not as sensitive as they are.
They want to be someone special. They are ambitious, but often lack the power to really put themselves in front. They are too timid and modest to put themselves in the front row. On the other hand, they have enough inner power to achieve a lot.
Invisible, not heard
They have the feeling they must adapt to the situation, to the family. They feel that their own needs are ignored. They are totally invisible. They just are part of the group and they have to adapt and do their job. The leader, which is often the father, is very domineering and strict. There is no place for their own projects and desires. In contrast, they have a strong desire to be on their own, to be themselves. They feel inferior and need compliments to feel better. They are worse from criticism and the opinions of others.
No space
They have the feeling that there is no space for them that they have to shrink, make themselves small so that they will not and cannot be seen.
They can have dreams and situations where their space is invaded by others. People use their house against their wishes. Others can come and go uninvited. Their own space is taken over or invaded. Other members of the family take their space or they dream about others invading their house. They can also have the feeling of disappearing, and then they take no space at all anymore.
Working for others
They often do a lot for family and friends, but they do not get the respect and reward for it. What they do is ignored.
The family is very important. Often they come from a big family where the parents had little time for each individual child. Or the parents had a family company where they had to work hard and the children had to help. The father is often domineering and even tyrannical. They could have to take the responsibility for the family, their younger siblings, especially when one of the parents is sick or absent.
Ailments from being dominated by family, father; criticism, excitement; grief.
Desire to be independent free, go their own way.
Interest in spirituality, self development.
Nervous excitement.
Sympathetic, soft, timid, modest, pleasing.
Energy: weak, injured; timid, impotent; coward.
Sexuality, impotence, frigidity.
Coiling, uncoiling DNA; winding, unwinding.
Blue, purple, cyanotic.
Desire animals, company, people.
Delusion: being invisible, unseen, not heard, small.
Sensation: pricking, aching, constricting, raw, shooting.
Time: < 9 am, 9 pm, 5 am, 5 pm).
Physical: < motion.
Eyes: affections.
Chest: problems.
Lungs: cough; asthma, wheezing, hoarseness, emphysema, bronchitis.
Male: impotence.
Female: infertility; menses problems.
Back: backache; difficulty keeping themselves erect, to stand up for themselves.
Limbs: pain bones and muscles; arthritis.