Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.30.00 Boraginales
Botany: corolla plicate; leaves hairy, rough, felty, trichomes; inflorescences terminal, cymose, scorpioid; placentation parietal; ovary with secondary septae; pollen with pseudocolpi.
Content: pyrrolizidine alkaloids; iridoids lacking.
Boraginales is not recognised in the Cronquist system and the Apg2 classification. In the Cronquist system, Boraginaceae includes Cordiaceae, Ehretiaceae and Heliotropiaceae and is placed together with Lennoaceae in Lamiales; Hydrophyllaceae is placed in Solanales.
Boraginales is a new Order in the Lamiidae in the Apg3 classification, including only Boraginaceae. Boraginaceae as traditionally defined is paraphyletic and needs the inclusion of Hydrophyllaceae and Lennoaceae to become monophyletic.
In some recent publications Boraginaceae, as defined in the Apg3 classification, is split into several families: Boraginaceae, Cordiaceae, Ehretiaceae, Heliotropiaceae and Lennoaceae; these families comprise the Order Boraginales.
In the Plant theory Boraginales is treated as an Order in the Lamiidae. Boraginaceae is treated as an Order, Boraginales. The Subfamilies are treated as Families in Boraginales. Boraginales have strong Boron qualities, which has a peculiar similarity in the name. Boraginales is placed in Phase 3. The difficulty to place them fits with Phase 3.
Boraginaceae is treated as split into several families, as indicated above.
1. Hydrophyllaceae.
2. Wellstediaceae?.
3. Boraginaceae.
4. Heliotropiaceae.
5. Cordiaceae.
6. Ehretiaceae.
7. Lennoaceae.
1. Hydrophyllaceae: 20 genera: ± 300 species; western United States.
Hydrophyllaceae: Codon, Draperia, Elliasia, Ellisia, Emmenanthe, Eriodictyon, Eucrypta, Hesperochiron, Hydrolea, Hydrophyllum, Nama, Nemophila, Phacelia, Pholistoma, Romanzoffia, Tricardia, Turricula, Wigandia.
2. Wellstediaceae ?.
3. Boraginaceae: 80 species.
4. Heliotropiaceae: Heliotropium, Tournefortia.
5. Cordiaceae: Coldenia, Cordia, Saccellium.
6. Ehretiaceae: Bourreria, Cortesia, Ehretia, Halgania, Ixorhea, Lepidocordia.
Menais, Patagonula, Rochefortia, Rotula, Tiquilia.
7. Lennoaceae: Ammobroma, Lennoa, Pholisma; parasitic plants.
They feel they have a right to be treated as a person, that they have individuality and are talented enough to be appreciated. They are not just anybody, but they feel that they are only tolerated, that they have to adapt to others to be accepted. They are not really seen, heard and accepted. They are just there for others who do not have time or respect for them. They feel they have to please others all the time and then they hope that the others will see them.
This state is often exaggerated in their youth where their parents were too busy with their work or themselves or the many other children to see them. They were just one on the list. Due to not being seen, they retire on their own, sit silently in a corner and think their own thoughts. They have their own world view, are very creative and bright, but that also is invisible or not appreciated. They lack the space and air to really live their own life. They can do it in their mind, but are not given the means to manifest it in reality.
Invisible, not heard.
Pleasing, adapting, < being only half accepted.
Having no space.
Nervous excitement.
Ailments from being dominated by family, father, husband.
Sensation: pricking, aching, constricting, raw, shooting.
Physical: < motion.
Lungs: asthma, wheezing, hoarseness, emphysema, bronchitis; cough.
Male: impotence.
Female: infertility; menses problems.
Back: backache; difficulty keeping themselves erect, to stand up for themselves.
Limbs: pain bones and muscles; arthritis.