Jan Scholten
Ardea herodias
The overwhelming feature is calmness and detachment. Calmness, detachment, the sensation of floating and meditative state are found are the central state. There is an extraordinary quiet with no need to say anything. They follow an independent path and act from intuition, inner direction.
Alone, sensation of being alone, separate feels.
Industrious, mania for work, overwhelmed by stress.
Contemplative, quit, fragile, sensitive and gentle.
Desire to help others.
Hysterical upon hearing bad news.
Heavy anxiety felt in chest.
Strong sexuality, sexual desire increased.
Fear: the opinion of others, suffocation. Aversion: company, wide places.
Desire: work, to get away, to leave partner, to live alone, to fly off.
Delusion: parts of the body are bigger.
Delusion he is being watched, being abused. Something is hidden deep inside them.
Dreams: animals, cats, felines.
Imagines of sharks and dolphins.
Sensation: choking, constriction, bruised.
Region: liver, spine, cervical region.
Weather: heat extending upward, starting in legs and kidneys, then rising up to face and neck. Desire: fish, meat, nuts, cereals, spicy food; appetite increased, eating small amounts, do not eat everything at once.
Aversion: tobacco, vegetables, meat; drinks.
Eyes: double vision, eyes dry, lachrymation, tears burning, heat in eyes.
Ears: pain, inflammation.
Mouth: teeth pain, sensation as if teeth are displaced.
Throat: choking, constriction in throat, tight, lump in throat, hard to swallow.
Urinary: incomplete, must urinate 5 or 6 times before bladder is empty.
Back: stiffness cervical region.
Jonathan Shore; Proving of heron
Peter Fraser; Birds, Seeking the Freedom of the Sky.