William Boericke
Ammonium causticumn
Ammonium causticum
This is a powerful cardiac stimulant. As such in syncope, thrombosis, haemorrhage, snake-bites, chloroform narcosis, may be given by inhalation.
The oedema and ulceration of mucous membranes produced by this powerful drug have been utilized as guiding symptoms for its use; hence in membranous croup with burning in oesophagus. Aphonia. See Causticum.
Respiratory: Difficult respiration. Accumulation of mucus with incessant coughing. Loss of voice. Burning rawness in throat. Spasm of the glottis with suffocation; patient gasps for breath. Pain in oesophagus on breathing deeply. Scraping and burning in throat and oesophagus. Uvula covered with white mucus. Nasal diphtheria, with burning excoriating discharge.
Extremities: Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility. Rheumatism of shoulders. Skin hot and dry.