Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.61.06 Agrimonia eupatoria
Names: Agrimonia eupatoria.
English: Agrimony, Cocklebur, Liverwort, Church Steeples.
German: Odermennig, Gewöhnlicher Odermennig, Ackermennig.
Dutch: Agrimonia.
Botany: mild, chalky grounds, avoids acid grounds.
Source: Bach, Fyfe.
They have a partner who is not doing well. He can be emotionally or physically disturbed or both. He is not giving much and moans about his complaints. It feels like a heavy load to carry. In the beginning they do that with love but after some time the burden becomes too much for them. Out of responsibility they cannot leave them, so they go on, with sorrow in their heart. They have to keep the relationship going, there is no way back.
They have a tendency to avoid the problems instead of facing them. The tendency exists to glide over difficulties, with attempts to stay cheerful, find diversion, or reach for stimulants like alcohol and drugs.
There is a forced cheerfulness externally. They hide their sufferings, even though suffering internal torment.
Avoiding, gliding over, not dealing with disturbing thoughts, problems, inner disharmony.
Suppression, over-compliance, denial of emotions, smiling.
Closed, reserved; averse to speak and show inner trouble, emotions, distress and problems.
Desire: cheer up, uplift, help others, bring peace, despite pain and internal torture.
Desire: adventure, diversion; love, personal growth.
Intolerance for acridity and strife.
Anxieties and worries.
Oversensitivity to influences, ideas, outside disturbances.
Unsettled, restless, internal disquiet, nervous, hurry; prone to be distracted.
Grief, disappointment, resentment, guilt, antagonism.
Aversion: boredom.
Quarrels distress and bring unhappiness.
Desire: stimulants.
Energy: weakness.
Abdomen: liver disturbances.
Urinary: urine muddy, foul smelling; bladder catarrh, atony; kidney pain, deep, colicky pointing in the lumbar region, extending down ureters.
Female: uterus pain.